SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3238765 - Quantity Difference between Inventory Report and Material Inventories - Line Items Report


You check the on-hand stock of materials in the Inventory Report and the quantity results of the Material Inventories - Line Items report. You notice different results.


SAP Business ByDesign.

Reproducing the Issue

To check the quantity in Inventory Report:

  1. Go to the Inbound Logistics work center.
  2. Go to the Reports view.
  3. Search and open Inventory Report (ID: SCMINVV02_Q0001).
  4. Enter material AAA in the selection(AAA is the material ID).
  5. Run the report and you see the On-Hand Stock is 100.00.

To check the quantity in the Material Inventories - Line Items report:

  1. Go to the Inventory Valuation work center.
  2. Go to the Reports view.
  3. Search and open the Material Inventories - Line Items report (ID: FININVU01_Q0001).
  4. Fill the mandatory fields, such as Company and Set of Books. 
  5. Run the report and you see the result of Valuation Quantity is 110.00.

Here, the 100.00 and 110.00 are just examples.


The difference appears because the Material Inventories - Line Items report is based on actual postings which do not necessarily always post to an inventory account. For example, the difference can be found via below path:

  1. Go to the Inventory Valuation work center.
  2. Go to the Reports view.
  3. Search and open Material Inventories - Line Items report(ID: FININVU01_Q0001).
  4. Enter Company XX, Set of Books YY, Material AAA(XX is the Company ID, YY is the ID of Set of Book).
  5. Run the report and go to View.
  6. Add fields Source Document ID, Source Document Type, Journal Entry Type and G/L Account to the report.

You see for the source document ID BBBB(BBB is the ID of source document), the source document type is Goods and Activity Confirmation, the journal entry type is Goods Issue without Reference, and there are two G/L Accounts shown here:

G/L Account CCCCCCCC(CCCCCCCC is the ID of G/L Account), the Valuation Quantity is -10.00.

G/L Account DDDDDDDD(DDDDDDDD is the ID of G/L Account), the Valuation Quantity is 10.00.

This document BBBB has 2 line items that equal 0, one of them is not showing unless you do above because DDDDDDDD is not an inventory account.


If you want to verify the Valuation Quantities of the Material Inventories - Line Items report and the Inventory Report, you can filter G/L Account CCCCCCCC in the Material Inventories - Line Items report and the quantities would match.


Material Inventories - Line Items. Inventory Report. valution quantity. on-hand stock. difference. SCMINVV02_Q0001. FININVU01_Q0001. , KBA , SRD-FIN-INV , Inventory , How To


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