When trying to search for an employee or action in a second window, after already having an open session, the first session gives an "OData Service query/ActionSearch Failed, Error Status: error,errorThrown" message when trying to search.
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
Reproducing the Issue
- Login to SF
- Search for an employee or action
- Open a new window, search for an employee or action
- Go back to the first window, attempt to search
- Error appears
- The behavior described is expected in relation to session management
- If it is required to have multiple session in the same instance of browser, submit an enhancement request to have this functionality considered
See Also
2090228 - How to Submit Ideas for SAP SuccessFactors Products
Action, search, multiple sessions, duplicate window, OData Service query, ActionSearch Failed, error thrown , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-SRH , Search , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions