- You are executing transaction CAT2 or program SAPLCATS and the program fails
- In SM21 – System Log transaction you can observe similar entries as follows:
@5C\Qvery high priority@ BY4 Database error 7 with PRE access to table SHSM_V_PRPMP
@SR\Qinformation@ BY0 > feature not supported: CONTAINS predicates within unsupported
@SR\Qinformation@ BY0 > contexts (OR predicates, stacked column searches, ...) - The query can be observed in the developer trace file (dev_wXX) reported by the System Log shows the usage of SCORE() and CONTAINS():
C *** ERROR => prepare() of C_0163, rc=1, rcSQL=7[dbsdbsql.cpp 3412]C {root-id=2603D2E0DB37471785C1012C8636DCB5}_{conn-id=0050568624011EED88F6484CDCFEA886}_12C *** ERROR => PREPARE C_0163 on connection 0, rc=7[dbslsdb.cpp 8268]C SQLCODE : 7C SQLERRTEXT : feature not supported: CONTAINS predicates within unsupported contexts (OR predicates, stacked colum\C n searches, ...)C sc_p=0000020AFE76EDE8,no=163,idc_p=0000000000000000,con=0,act=1,slen=567,smax=768,#vars=10,stmt=0000020A8C214100,table=SHSM_V_PRPMPC SELECT /* CDS access control applied */ /* Contains Native SQL */ "POSTU" "POSTU" , "POST1" "POST1" \C , "POSKI" "POSKI" , "POSID" "POSID" , "PSPID" "PSPID" , SCORE( ) "DSH_SCORE_ALIAS" FROM /* Entity na\C me: SHSM_V_PRPMP CDS access controlled */ "SHSMVPRPMP" "SEARCH_STRUCTURE" WHERE "MANDT" = ? AND CONT\C AINS( ( "POSID" , "POSKI" , "POSTU" , "PSPID" ) , ? , FUZZY( ( ? , ? ) , ( ? , ? ) , ( ? , ? ) , ( ?\C , ? ) ) ) AND N'CDS_Access_Control_SHSM_V_PRPMP' = N'DENY' ORDER BY "DSH_SCORE_ALIAS" DESC , "SEARC\C H_STRUCTURE" . "POSID" LIMIT 200 WITH PARAMETERS( 'LOCALE' = 'EN' );B ***LOG BY4=> sql error 7 performing PRE on table SHSM_V_PRPMP [dbdbslst 5170]B ***LOG BY0=> feature not supported: CONTAINS predicates within unsupported contexts (OR predicates, stacked column searches, ...) [dbdbslst 5170]
- SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0 ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
contains, score, cat2, SHSM_V_PRPMP, PRE, predicates, , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , CA-TS , Time Sheet , Problem
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