You're upgrading the Db2 database from 10.5 to 11.5 and see the following errors reported.
Updating the db2ls and db2greg link :.......Success
ERROR: The installation of the license file
"/root/db2.tmp.14025310/db2/aix/install/../../license/db2dec.lic" using the
command "/db2/db2crp/db2_V11.5/adm/db2licm -a
"/root/db2.tmp.14025310/db2/aix/install/../../license/db2dec.lic" -install" did
not complete successfully. The error data is "". The Return value was "255".
Registering DB2 licenses :.......Failure
ERROR: The value "DB2SYSTEM=servername" could not be added to the Global Profile
Registry. Return value is "255".
- IBM DB2 LUW (DB6) 10.5 and later
DB2, upgrade, db2licm, db2set, license, db2dec.lic, DB2SYSTEM, Global Profile Registry , KBA , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem
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