When consuming DS's model in SAC Story, you get a memory error in /dwaas-core/sap/bc/ina/service/v2/GetResponse response:
Number: 42014
Text: "Caught exception : exception 70000004: cannot allocate enough memory: [9] Memory allocation failed;exception 1000002: Allocation failed ;
\\$size\\$=1201936; \\$name\\$=Results; \\$type\\$=pool; \\$inuse_count\\$=179; \\$allocated_size\\$=30838900544; \\$alignment\\$=16; \\$failure_type\\$=STATEMENT_MEMORY_LIMIT;
The error can be seen in Network Trace via browser's Developer Tools, or via HAR File:
SAP KBA 2280022 - How to collect a HTTP archive (HAR) file (Chrome developer tools network trace) in SAP Analytics Cloud
SAP Analytics Cloud
SAP Datasphere
Reproducing the Issue
Consuming DS's model in SAC Story via Live data connection
Possible source view complexity
Follow recommendations mentioned in SAP KBA 3139720 - SAP Datasphere: View Persistency aborts with an Out of Memory exception or consumes to much memory
DS, memory, shortage, failure, exception, live data connection , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES , Story Design & Visualizations , DS-MD-VIW , Views , Problem