You have received the notification mail from SAP advising that your tenant is having a significant load on the DataBase and you need a clarification about the mail.
The email contains the following information:
- We have noticed that your tenant is causing a significant load on the DataBase. This is caused by a large number of XI channels with at least once or exactly once quality of service and data store persistence or data store sender channels, especially in combination with many worker nodes. The only way to mitigate the database load is either to increase the poll interval for these channels or to move the scenario from data store persistence to JMS persistence.
Please note that XI adapter with Datastore as a temporary storage option is not intended to be used for high volume scenarios. Instead, we recommend to use JMS as a temporary storage option for XI adapter scenarios.
- SAP Integration Suite
- SAP Business Technology Platform
- Cloud Integration
Cloud Integration, SAP Integration Suite, SAP Cloud Platform Integration, Cloud Platform Integration, SAP CPI, CPI, SCPI, HANA Cloud Integration, HCI, SAP HCI, tenant, iFlow, Integration Flow, affected, affect, scenario, effect, email, mail, load, data, base, db, increase, action, required, notification, XI, Adapter, JMS, QOS , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-OPS , Cloud Operations , Problem
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