This assessment strives to test the performance of SAP Invoice Management by Open Text to study the responsiveness of the various actions performed while approving an invoice in the system. To achieve the goals, the system was pre-populated with test data. The test was conducted with all operations running concurrently, in a multi-user environment, in a proportion that mimics the real world usage pattern of the application. The test was conducted with 90 concurrent users, keeping the load stable for 1 hour.
Here are the highlights of the results from the stable period of 1 hour:
- Over 17000 Inbox operations were performed in 1 hour.
- Close to 8500 History operations were performed in 1 hour.
- Close to 500 Invoice operations (Approve, Reject, Bulk Approve, Modify, and Add Comment) were performed in 1 hour.
- On the given hardware, the system is capable of performing a lot more operations as none of the server resources were stressed during this test.
SAP Invoice Management by OpenText 7.5
Champion toolkit , KBA , XX-PART-OPT-INV , SAP Invoice Management by OpenText , Problem
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