- Pay Component Configuration
- Pay component Values not passing from RCM to Onboarding
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding
Configuration steps:
- Enable compInfo, payComponentNonRecurring and/or payComponentRecurring data model as per your requirement from Manage Business configuration
- You can enable all the three data models or any two or one as per the requirement. Enable the fields for which you want to pass the value from RCM side.
- Use the Recruit to hire data mapping tool to Map the Pay component fields from RCM to EC fields
- Use the following links to map data from Recruiting Management with Employee Central Entities:
Mapping Data from Recruiting Management with Employee Central Entities | SAP Help Portal
- Note: Pay Component field should be text in RCM. The object type is not supported.
- Earlier it was mandatory to map Pay component from RCM to Onboarding but after the recent enhancement it is not mandate.
- Please check the guide link on the enhancements made to the Pay component mapping in Recruit to hire data mapping tool (R2H)
- Enhanced Recruit to Hire Data Mapping Process | SAP Help Portal
Permissions Required:
User -> Employee Central Effective Dated Entities -> Select the options that best fit your requirements (Determines which effective-dated fields can be viewed or edited)
User -> Employee data -> Select the options that best fit your requirements
Please refer Guide link for more information on permissions: Role-Based Permissions for New Hire and Internal Hire Data Review - SAP Help Portal
Troubleshooting from UI:
- Values not flowing from RCM to Onboarding:
If data is not flowing to Onboarding
There are 2 possibilities: -
a) Need to check if data is getting passed from RCM to ONB
b) Need to check if any rule is configured on EC entities (Manage Business Configuration) that is clearing the field values
Approach for Step 1: if data is getting passed from RCM to ONB
- We can use provisioning to fetch what data was passed from RCM -> ONB
- Go to provisioning -> Suite Integration Test Page
- go to request parameters
find candidateId, applicationId and JobReqId for the candidate.
For example
"candidateId" : "216",
"appId" : "270",
"reqId" : "154",
"onboardingId" : ""
- Click on Get Data from RCM Or ONB and will get Json Response.
- Verify if data is flowing getting passed from RCM or not.
Use the guide link for more details: Checking the Values Passed from Recruiting to Onboarding | SAP Help Portal
- The Pay component code is incorrect. We can have two scenarios here:
Scenario 1: all fields are blank
Variant Code contains space or other special character.
Currently the application doesn't support special character except for digits, letters and hyphen as below:
Scenario 2: only one or two fields are blank
Some rules on Pay Component would block the data.
Scenario 1:
Select a proper variant with only digits, letters and hyphen in Recruit-to-Hire Data Mapping.
Scenario 2:
In the Manage business configuration check for any rules configured that defaults the Pay component data and disable it
- Candidate initiated from RCM but did not land in Onboarding dashboard
Please refer the KBA for complete troubleshooting: 3064169 - [Onboarding] Candidates do not appear in onboarding dashboard after initiation from RCM - SAP for Me
Error found in Business Process tile like:
An error occurred while saving the HRIS data for the user XXX XXX due to the following reason: {"responsePayload":[{"userSysId":"XXXX","hrisSaveStatus":[{"elementType":null,"key":null,"statusCode":"ERROR","errorInfo":"PayComponent - XXX :: frequency cannot be empty for pay component XXX."}]}]}.
Checked suite page and value and mapping is maintained in RCM.
The frequency passed from RCM is picklist whereas the Frequency is object in EC. Please make sure RCM is sending Frequency Id.
KBA reference: 3210979 - Error "frequency cannot be empty for pay component XXX", although value and mapping is maintained in RCM - SAP for Me
See Also
Related KBAs:
- 3204900 - [Onboarding] Multiple pay components
- 3055373 - Personal Data Collection Error Message on Pay Component - Onboarding
- 3146820 - [Onboarding] Pay componet not appearing in the Pay target
- 3241169 - Error paycompvalue cannnot be empty - Onboarding
- 3239069 - Recruit to Hire data mapping for Pay components in Onboarding
- 3170188 - [Onboarding] BPE error - Cannot save recurring without compInfo
- 3008053 - Onboarding initiated from RCM but candidate didn't reach Onboarding Dashboard - Onboarding
- 3076465 - Internal Hire not being triggered
Pay component, Compensation, Onboarding, compInfo, Paycomp recurring, Pay component Recurring, Pay component Non Recurring , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-RCM , Initiate onboarding from RCM , Problem