- Error: "Assertion failed: HasCrossCalculationFacet is undefined" occurs and no data is displayed when opening story and going to Explorer
- SAP Analytics Cloud Wave 2022.15.8
Reproducing the Issue
- Logon SAC.
- Open the story.
- Go to Explorer view.
- The story is in an inconsistent status. The story tried to enable Optimized View Mode(OVM) however it failed due to some unsupported elements in the story.
- After some version update, those elements support OVM now so OVM is actually enabled in this story now whilst OVM toggle is still off.
- Explorer views are not supported in OVM so the error happens.
Avoid using Explorer in OVM even though it might be visible in some unexpected cases.
Assertion failed: HasCrossCalculationFacet is undefined, no data, displayed, Assertion failed, Story, SAC, SAP Analytics Cloud , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES , Story Design & Visualizations , Problem
SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0