- On a database using UTF8BIN collation, when comparing a date column with a string containing 'September':
select * from tab1 where datecol = 'September 25 2021'; - The conversion error:
Data type conversion is not possible. Conversion of 'September 25 2021' to data type date failed.
-- (dflib\dfe_HDBValue.cxx 468)
SQLCODE=-1009145, ODBC 3 State="HY000"
SAP IQ 16.1 SP04
SAP IQ 16.1
823329, CR823329, CR#823329, UTF8BIN, September, "Data type conversion is not possible", "Data type conversion is not possible", "to data type date failed" , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Known Error
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