SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3244024 - Reconciliation Account Field is Missing in Customer Invoice


You find that "Reconciliation Account" field cannot be selected in Customer Invoice.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Customer Invoicing Work Center
  2. Go to Invoice Documents View
  3. Show All Invoice Documents and search for ABC (where ABC represents for customer invoice ID)
  4. Click on Edit
  5. Click on View All
  6. Open value help of "Reconciliation Account" field
  7. No items found. 


This field is only available for editing under the General tab of a Manual Invoice Request, however, this is not even visible in an Invoice Document.

Only Invoice Requests which allows editing during the creation in this scenario is the Manual Invoice Request, this functionality is only possible for this document and not for Outbound Delivery Invoice Request, Service Confirmation Invoice Request or Project Invoice Request.

The attribute ‘Reconciliation Account Type’ is not a standard attribute of the Business Object 'CustomerInvoiceRequest'.

This field is enabled for manual invoice requests and passed via invoice request web service.

This fiels is PSM read released, if customer needs the data to be viewed in Invoice they can have a custom code to do the same.


This is the current system behavior.


Reconciliation Account, Customer Invoice, 统驭科目 , KBA , SRD-CRM-ORD , Orders & Contracts , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions