Application Error When Creating an Absence:
error "absenceInDaysForPeriodBasedOnCalendarDays: Error happened when invoking rule function: absenceInDaysForPeriodBasedOnCalendarDays, root cause: You are trying to use an absence rule function with a time type that is not of the absence category. Check the rule function. Absence rule functions can only be used with absence time types.",Rule "RULE_ID" execution failed with error "absenceInDaysForPeriodBasedOnCalendarDays: Error happened when invoking rule function: absenceInDaysForPeriodBasedOnCalendarDays, root cause: You are trying to use an absence rule function with a time type that is not of the absence category. Check the rule function. Absence rule functions can only be used with absence time types."
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite Core 2205
- Employee Central
- Time Off
Reproducing the Issue
- Create an absence
- Error occurs
Configuration issue:
The use of absence rule functions with attendance time types led to errors in the system. We added this validation to prevent any unwanted exceptions.
We strongly encourage customers to use absence rule functions only for absence time types.
Implementing Time Management in SAP SuccessFactors - Before You Start at:,undefined&q="Use%20of%20Absence%20Rule%20Functions%20Restricted%20"&locale=en-US
- Basically what this means is that absence function are to be used only with absence time type
- so you cannot use and absence function on a time type which is not for absence
absenceInDaysForPeriodBasedOnCalendarDays, "You are trying to use an absence rule function with a time type that is not of the absence category", "Application Error When Creating an Absence", "Absence rule functions can only be used with absence time types" , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Problem