Filters have been set for a Replication Model from SAP_COM_0008 but they are not being hounored for some Business Partners which do not meet the Filter Criteria
Reproducing the Issue
- Define some filters in the "Define Filter Criteria" App for a Replication Model associated with SAP_COM_0008 e.g. only send BP's from Sales Org 1010
- Make a change to a BP which does not meet the filter criteria e.g. a BP which does not have Sales Org 1010
- The BP is still replicated
System Filter is active in the SAP_COM_0008 Communication Arrangement where the Replication Model is created
When using System Filter (which can be defined in the Communication Arrangement SAP_COM_0008, filters maintained via the App: Define Filter Criteria are not taken into account for BPs which were replicated before the filter was added.
Once a Business Partner has been replicated it will always be replicated regardless of the filters set afterwards. This is needed to guarantee system wide data consistency otherwise replicated data could be out of sync.
Any Business Partners which are created after the Filters are set which do not meet the filter criteria will be excluded, while any BPs which were created before the filters where added will still be replicated as long as the System Filter setting is active in the SAP_COM_0008 Communicaiton Arrangement.
Secnario 1. If you did Intend to Have System Filtering active
If you intended system filtering to be turned on, this is the way it will work
Scenario 2. If you did not Intend to Have System Filtering active
If you would not like to have BPs which were replicated before the filters where added to still be replicated then the system filter can be removed for the Replication Model (in SAP_COM_0008) in the Communication Arrangement app
See Also
Define Filter Criteria, Exclude, Filter, System Filter, SAP_COM_0008, SAP S/4HANA Cloud, S4_PC, S4_1C, X4BC, S4HC, S/4HC , KBA , LO-MD-BP-WS , Web Service for Business Partner , LO-MD-BP , Business Partners , Problem