SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3245417 - Error - Account AAAAAA in chart of accounts ABCD has no mapping to chart of accounts PQRS


You are trying Post "Manual Posting - Acquisition" and you get the error -  Account AAAAAA in chart of accounts ABCD has no mapping to chart of accounts PQRS.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Fixed Assets Work Center.
  2. Go to Fixed Assets View.
  3. Click on Fixed Assets Sub-View.
  4. Select the Fixed Asset.
  5. Click on Manual Posting and then on Acquisition.
  6. Fill the relevant data and keep the Set of Books field blank.
  7. Click on Simulate.
  8. You'll receive error message "Account AAAAAA in chart of accounts ABCD has no mapping to chart of accounts PQRS".


The selected G/L Account - AAAAAA is maintained under Edit Charts of Accounts - ABCD & PQRS. But there is no mapping between G/L Account AAAAAA and both the Charts of Accounts ABCD & PQRS together.


You can view the mapping between G/L Account AAAAAA with two Charts of Accounts by following the below steps:

  1. Go to the Business Configuration Work Center.
  2. Click on Overview.
  3. Search for the activity - Charts of Accounts, Financial Reporting Structures, Account Determination.
  4. Click on Edit G/L account mapping.
  5. Here, you can find the combination of Charts of Accounts - ABCD & PQRS.
  6. Under Details section click on Add Row
  7. Maintain the G/L Account - AAAAAA.


1) You have to ensure to map only accounts that can be used in manual journal entry vouchers. Mapping to reconciliation accounts is not appropriate.
2) This KBA is valid for Manual Posting - Revaluation.


Account in chart of accounts has no mapping to chart of accounts, Error in Manual Posting - Revaluation, Error in Manual Posting - Acquisition , KBA , account in chart of accounts has no mapp , error in manual posting - revaluation , error in manual posting - acquisition , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , Known Error


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