You are performing an OData API call using the Background_Education entity, or the degree field/navigation, and receiving the error below:
[COE0019]Failed to retrieve result with given criteria.
- SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
- OData API
It indicates that there are one Background_Education record data which degree value is not specified, which cause the expand failure.
Because degree in metadata should be a int/BigDecimal field. Backend could not convert a not specified value into any int/BigDecimal.
You need to search inside the records to find which is filled with the unsupported value, and correct it.
Keep in mind that the degree in metadata should be a int/BigDecimal field. So any value not respecting the type for that field, will cause the error.
"UNSPECIFIED", background, background education, backgroundElementId, [COE0019]Failed to retrieve result with given criteria. degreeNav. , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , Problem