SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3246048 - How to configure NIK in Billing Documents


There is no information about Identification Number (NIK) in billing documents.



Reproducing the Issue

There is no NIK information in billing documents when you use the following apps to manage your billing documents:

  • In the Manage Billing Documents app,
  1. Select a billing document and then choose Go.
  2. Tickle the billing document you want to check and then choose Display.
  3. Go to the Output Items tab and then choose Preview.

Result: There is no NIK information in the output of the billing document.

  • In the Display Billing Documents app.
  1. Select a billing document and then choose Continue.
  2. Choose Menu -> Goto -> Header -> Output
  3. Tickle the billing document you want to process and then choose Display Document.

Result: There is no NIK in the billing document.


Field NIK is not contained in the following standard form templates for billing documents:

  • SDBIL_CI_STANDARD_*: This form template is used for standard customer invoices.
  • SDBIL_CM_STANDARD_*: This form template is used for credit memos.


Use the Globalization Form Data Provider FDP_V3_BD_STANDARD_GLO_GEN to enable NIK (IDNUMBER) in the billing document in Indonesia.

You can get the NIK number (BUT0ID-IDNUMBER) value from the Form Data Provider FDP_V3_BD_STANDARD_GLO_GEN, TaxationTermsNode -> TaxNumber5.

You should configure the form template based on your requirements. For Indonesia, there are country-specific forms SDBIL_CI_STANDARD_ID and SDBIL_CM_STANDARD_ID. The IDNUMBER is not available in the form templates by default, but it is available in the OData xml. Therefore, you can add the field in your form templates and map the templates with the output of billing documents.

You can do the following to configure NIK in billing documents:

  1. Download the standard form template that you want to modify to your local computer.
  2. Add field NIK into the template.
  3. Save the template and name it in the format of YY*.
  4. Upload the template to be used for managing your billing documents.

See Also

KBA 2718110 -Tax Number is missing in Billing form for some countries eg. Switzerland, Norway etc.

KBA 2679030 - Extensibility for Billing Document Printout - SAP S/4HANA Cloud


S4_PC, S/4HANA Cloud*, NIK number, billing document, invoice, invoice list, output, print, printout, General Data in Customer Master, additional fields, extensibility, custom field, Custom Fields and Logic, extension field, Enhancement Implementation, Business Context Sales: Billing Document, Billing Standard Output Header Adaption, Enhance_Print_Program, F1481, output item, display, SDBIL_CI_STANDARD_ID, SDBIL_CM_STANDARD_ID, VF01, VF03, VF02, VF04, VF21, VF22, VF23, pdf, form, form template, standard, FDP_V3_BD_STANDARD_GLO_GEN, angezeigt, Form, Schablone, Standard, Rechnung, professionellen Service Rechnungen, Gutschriften, Rechnungslistes , KBA , CA-GTF-CSC-ID , S4HANA Localisation for Indonesia , Problem


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