You are facing the below error message when attempting to perform a save on any business transactional document or master data object:
- Severity: X is not allowed. PDI Solution: YABCDEFGY_. (where "X" is the given severity and "YABCDEFGY_" is the custom solution namespace ID)
- Business Object: BO1, Node: Node1, Method: DETERMINE_AFTER_MODIFY. (where "BO1" is the business object name, "Node1" is the node name and "DETERMINE_AFTER_MODIFY" is the event name)
- SAP Cloud for Customer
- SAP Business ByDesign
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
The error is happening because there is an event of type AfterModify or BeforeSave as mentioned on the error message, from the specific Business Object and Node where a message is being raised with a message severity which is not allowed.
The severity parameter allows the following values:
- "E" for errors
- "W" for warnings
- "S" for success messages
- "I" for information messages
Please ensure that the severity message parameter is only supplied with the allowed values.
See Also
PDI, SDK, error, script, message, severity, allowed, logic , KBA , AP-RC-BDS-SCR , ByDesign Studio Scripting (ABSL) , How To