The error Invalid standard budgetOn field(*fieldname*) appears when cloning a Compensation Template.
SAP SuccessFactors Compensation
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to Compensation Home
- Choose the Template you wish to clone
- Click on "Copy Plan" icon to the far right
- Enter the Fiscal Year End Date
- Check the Clone Compensation Worksheet Eligibility Rule box and click Copy
- You get the error message 'Invalid standard budgetOn field (*fieldname*)
The issue is caused by customer's cache memory from their browser.
- Open your browser and use incognito window;
- Log back in to the instance and clone the template again;
- You should be able to proceed with the cloning of template without getting the error;
- Leave the incognito window and clean the cache and cookies in your browser.
error, cloning, clone, copying, copy, template, Invalid standard budgetOn field, Invalid standard budgetOn, Invalid standard budgetOn field Error When Copying Compensation Template , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-FRM , Forms & Templates , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors Compensation all versions