Installation of backup service fails in the post install phase and you can find the following error in the installation log:
[00:00:01][FINEST] [OUTPUT2] [Fatal Error]:1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog.
[00:00:01][FINEST] [OUTPUT2] + RESULT='false&Connection failed, please confirm that the SLD address is correct and SLD is started'
[00:00:01][FINEST] [OUTPUT2] + [[false&Connection failed, please confirm that the SLD address is correct and SLD is started =~ false]]
[00:00:01][FINEST] [OUTPUT1] Registering SBOCOMMON at SLD during Backup Service installation/upgrade failed!
[00:00:01][FINEST] [OUTPUT2] + echo 'Registering SBOCOMMON at SLD during Backup Service installation/upgrade failed
Action result: FAIL (ScriptInstallAction</>).
SAP Business One Cloud
CCC, KBA, SBO-CLD, SAP Business One Cloud, How To, Registration, Server Components, SCSW, Setup wizard , KBA , cloud , incident , SBO-BC-BCK , Backup Service for SAP HANA Database , SBO-CLD-CC , Cloud Control Center , How To
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