After successful WORKITEM archiving the workflow tables disc size is not reduced even the number of entries are reduced in the following tables:
- SWFGPROLEINST - Guided Procedures: Role Instance,
- SWP_HEADER - Workflow Instances: Header Data of a Workflow Execution,
- SWP_JOIN - Workflow instances: Join node of a workflow execution,
- SWP_NODEWI - WF: Work items for nodes in a workflow definition,
- SWPCMPCONT - Component Container of WFM,
- SWPNODE - WFM: Node Properties and Node Hierarchy at Runtime,
- SWPNODELOG - Workflow: Instance Data of Nodes of a Workflow Execution,
- SWPSTEPLOG - Workflow: Instance Data of Steps of a Workflow Execution,
- SWW_CONT - Workflow Runtime: Work Item Data Container,
- SWW_CONTOB - Workflow Runtime: Work Item Data Container (Only Objects),
- SWW_WI2OBJ - Workflow Runtime: Relation of Work Item to Object,
- SWWCNTP0 - Workflow Container: XML Database (P0),
- SWWCNTPADD - Workflow Runtime: Persistence for Additional Container (XML),
- SWWEI - Workflow Runtime: Work Items of Type E (Event Items),
- SWWLOGHIST - Workflow Runtime: History of a Work Item,
- SWWLOGPARA - Obsolete 4.6/ WIM Log Table: Actions on WIs - Parameters,
- SWWWIAGENT - Workflow Runtime: Agents for Execution of a Work Item,
- SWWWIDEADL - Workflow Runtime: Deadline Data for Work Items,
- SWWWIHEAD - Workflow Runtime: Header Table for All Work Item Types,
- SWWWIRET - Workflow Runtime: Return Values of Method Call,
- SWZAI - Header Table for all Properties of a Work Queue,
- SWZAIENTRY - Object Table for Work Queues (Entries),
- SWZAIRET - Return Values of Method Call of a WQ Line.
- SAP Business Workflow
SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4 HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
- SAP HANA database
SWF_WORKFLOW, SARA, SWW_SARA, SARI, Infostructure, Write, Delete, SAP_BO_2_WI_001, SAP_O_2_WI_001, WORKITEM_WRI, WORKITEM_DEL, deleting work items, archiving class, WORKITEM archiving object, performance, RSWWARCP, Archive information structures, SWW_ARCHIV, archive, work item, WF_GDPR, strategy, retention period, variant, variants, HAN DB, Delta Merge has not occurred after the archiving, disc size not changed , KBA , BC-BMT-WFM , Business Workflow , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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