You delete a TM relevant Delivery in ERP. You realize that the associated FU is still available in your system and seen as open for planning. Then you check the relevant XML message with receiver interface name as IntracompanyTransportationRequestCancellationRequest_In and you observe the error message /SCMTMS/VSS_OL 022 - &1: Acceptable times for pickup/del. at &2 at &3 is outside plan. horizon
- SAP Transportation Management 9.x
- SAP S/4HANA 1709+
deleting a delivery, ECC, 022(/SCMTMS/VSS_OL), /SCMTMS/VSS_OL022, Planning profile, VL02N, DTR, DTR type, ERP, planning horizon , KBA , TM-PLN-SCH , Scheduling , Problem
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