FileStatus = INVALID_PATH on secondary nodes after ADD FILE.
It was added more space for an user dbspace on coordinator. The new file device was successfuly added but it becomes invalid for all secondary nodes:
server_id server_name DBSpace_name FileName FileStatus
---------- ------------ -------------- ----------- --------------
1 iqxxx01 XXX_WXYZ_MAIN iqxxxx001 VALID
2 iqxxx02 XXX_WXYZ_MAIN iqxxxx001 INVALID_PATH
3 iqxxx03 XXX_WXYZ_MAIN iqxxxx001 INVALID_PATH
In according manual: INVALID_PATH ==> cannot access path name
In the coordinator:
I. 08/05 16:12:36. 0000000464 AlterDBSpace 16387 XXX_WXYZ_MAIN
I. 08/05 16:12:36. 0000000464 AlterDBSpace ADDFILE
I. 08/05 16:12:36. 0000000464 CreateDiskSegment
I. 08/05 16:12:36. 0000000464 [20715]: Warning: SYSAM:IQ Main Store Size is 1% full with 1081279840256 bytes of free space left.
I. 08/05 16:12:36. 0000000464 [20715]: Warning: SYSAM:Increasing Main Data Store size by 1081279840257 bytes will require additional IQ_VLDBMGMT licenses.
I. 08/05 16:12:36. 0000000464 main_dbfiles/iqxxxx001.dat
The secondary node:
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000605 AlterDBSpace 16387 XXX_WXYZ_MAIN
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000605 AlterDBSpace ADDFILE
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000605 CreateDiskSegment
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000605 main_dbfiles/iqxxxx001.dat
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000000 Allocation failed. Dbspace XXX_WXYZ_MAIN is OFFLINE
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000605 Cmt 70285
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000605 TINFO t=70284 v=68349 c=70285 gt=0 gc=0 pcv=0 ME=1 MSE=0 TRR=1 #=0
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000605 Chk
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000596 Exception Thrown from slib/s_bufman.cxx:6274, Err# 0, tid 5 origtid 5
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000596 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2105 (s_offlinedbspaceexception); SQLCode: -1009173, SQLState: 'QSB69', Severity: 14
I. 08/05 16:12:41. 0000000596 [20227]: Operation not permitted on an OFFLINE DBSpace XXX_WXYZ_MAIN.
-- (slib/s_bufman.cxx 6274)
- SAP IQ 16.0 and later
FileStatus INVALID_PATH on secondary nodes after ADD FILE sp_iqmpxvalidate coordinator secondary node CWD current working directory -STARTDIR STARTDIR path IQ devices relative , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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