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3252509 - Probability level sequence changes causing issues in the Risk Analysis results


In IMG “Maintain Probability Levels”, based on a requirement, probability level sequence was changed from 1 to 5 into different numbers(6,12,18,24,30 for example).

After this change, several inconsistent behaviors are observed in the Risk analysis. For example:

  • Incorrect values for probability level field displayed
  • Incorrectly displayed Probability level for Residual Risk when the completeness for response is not equal to 0 or 100%. Values ​​are replaced by numbers.



  • SAP Risk Management 10.1
  • SAP Risk Management 12.0


SAP Risk Management 10.1 ; SAP Risk Management 12.0


probability, level, sequence, IMG, change, risk, analysis, response, numbers, incorrect , KBA , GRC-RM , GRC Risk Management , Problem

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