The 'Save as View' feature is not available for Smart Business (analytical) applications.
>> You can check the application type on the Fiori Library. Refer to the example below:
- Materials Management (MM)
- SAP Fiori
- SAP S/4HANA (all versions)
MM, Fiori, save, as, view, variant, my views, analytical, app, contract expiry, supplier evaluation, analytics, smart, business, app, application, analytic, views, missing, selector, not, available, saved, overdue, purchase, order, items , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-ANA , Fiori UI for Purchasing Analytics , CA-GTF-SB-S4H , Smart Business for S4HANA , CA-GTF-SB-S4H-DT , SAP Smart Business S4H - Design Time , Problem
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