SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3253511 - SuccessFactors Platform Release Information FAQ [2H 2022]


This Knowledge Base Article is to document all major enhancements to be aware of in our 2H 2022 release. Also provides one stop shop for all out Platform Foundation documentation.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

Reproducing the Issue

The documentation can also be found on the SAP Help Portal under SAP SuccessFactors Release Information, quick links under "What's New" section will provide the detailed release summary across application. For extensive documentation on SAP SuccessFactors Platform including Admin Guide, Release Information and Implementation Guides see SAP Help Guide section SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite.

Direct Links to some of our key Help guides and 2H 2022 documentation:

Release summary Information:

User Guides on the help portal:


Role-based Permissions

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-RBPPLA-33415New ID Column in Manage Permission Groups | SAP Help Portal

New ID Column in Manage Permission Groups

In the current version, there is a new ID column on the Manage Permission Group Page.

The IDs are system-generated serial numbers according to the creation time of the permission groups.

You now have unique identifiers to differentiate permission groups.

LOD-SF-PLT-RBPPLA-33003Bulk Activate and Deactivate Role Assignments | SAP Help Portal

Bulk Activate and Deactivate Role Assignments

The latest Role-Based Permissions now allows you to bulk activate and deactivate role assignments of a permission role. Previously, you could only update the status of assignments one at a time.

You can update the status for role assignments of a permission role under Admin Center  Manage Permission Roles > [select a role] > Assignments.

Before this enhancement, it was not possible to manage the status of role assignments that easily.

LOD-SF-PLT-RBPPLA-30333Email Notification for Permission Group Changes | SAP Help Portal

Email Notification for Permission Group Changes

As a Role-Based Permission (RBP) administrator, you can now enable email notification for changes to large-size permission groups. A new Role-Based Permission Notification – Group Change email template is now available under Admin Center > Email Notification Templates Settings.

Before this enhancement, RBP administrators could not monitor changes that impact a large number of users and reduce security risks.

LOD-SF-PLT-RBPPLU-5754The Legacy Role-Based Permissions Now Supports Configuring Target Criteria for External Users | SAP Help Portal

The Legacy Role-Based Permissions Now Supports Configuring Target Criteria for External Users

Role-Based Permissions administrators can now define target criteria when granting permissions of non-user based MDF objects with a target population of external users, for example, external onboarding users.

Previously, as an RBP administrator, when you granted permissions of non-user based MDF objects with a target population of external users, for example, external onboarding users, the Specify the target population of the other objects section didn't display in the Grant this role to ... popup. Now, you can see this section and further restrict the target population by defining target criteria at object level.

LOD-SF-PLT-RBPPLA-31349Increased Access Granularity for RBP Administrators | SAP Help Portal

Increased Access Granularity for RBP Administrators

Now, you can grant view only access to RBP administrators.

Previously, RBP administrators had both view and edit access of role-based permission management by default.

LOD-SF-PLT-RBPPLU-5697The Latest Role-Based Permissions Supports Change History of Permission Roles | SAP Help Portal

The Latest Role-Based Permissions Support Change History of Permission Roles

As an RBP administrator, you can now view the change history of a permission role using the latest Role-Based Permissions. You can also compare two versions of a permission role to check which permissions are added or removed.

You can now compare two versions of a permission role. The strikethrough texts highlighted in red are removed permission. The underlined texts highlighted in green are newly added permissions.

LOD-SF-PLT-RBPPLA-32073The Manage Identity Account and Group Permission Category | SAP Help Portal

The Manage Identity Account and Group Permission Category

A new role-based permission category, Manage Identity Account and Group, is now available. The permission category is for housing identity management permissions.

In the previous version, you did not have the option to locate role-based permissions about identity management that efficiently.


Identity Authentication Service (IAS)

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-IASPLT-80002New Option in Monitoring Tool for New Hires to Use SAP Cloud Identity Services - Identity Authentication for Onboarding | SAP Help Portal

New Option in Monitoring Tool for New Hires to Use SAP Cloud Identity Services - Identity Authentication for Onboarding

In the current version of the Monitoring Tool, there's a Settings tab with an option called Apply to Both Employee and Onboardee, that includes new hires in the Identity Authentication service. The page used for tracking the Identity Authentication upgrade status is now located on the new Upgrade Status tab.

In the previous version, Onboarding customers could only use the Identity Authentication service for employees, while new hires used a separate form of authentication. Administrators would only use the Monitoring Tool to track the progress of their upgrade to the Identity Authentication service on a single page.

LOD-SF-PLT-IASPLA-28233Manage Identity Authentication/Identity Provisioning Real Time Sync | SAP Help Portal

Manage Identity Authentication/Identity Provisioning Real Time Sync

A new administrative tool, Manage Identity Authentication/Identity Provisioning Real Time Sync, is now available to synchronize user account changes from SAP SuccessFactors to Identity Authentication Service through Identity Provisioning Service.

We've made the enhancement to sync onboardee account changes to Identity Authentication Service in real time to help quicken the onboarding process.

LOD-SF-PLT-IASPLT-79611X.509 Certificate-Based Authentication for Incoming Calls | SAP Help Portal

X.509 Certificate-Based Authentication for Incoming Calls

SAP SuccessFactors Business Execution Suite (BizX) now supports X.509 Certificate-based authentication for incoming calls in Cloud-Identity Authentication, Cloud-Identity Provisioning, Employee Central Payroll, and SAP Business Technology Platform.

Certificate-based authentication using mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) provides a more secure authentication option to its users. Compared to HTTP Basic Authentication, mTLS uses an X.509 certificate issued from a Certificate Authority, rather than relying on passwords for authentication.


Manage Users

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-MNGECT-176085General Display Name | SAP Help Portal

General Display Name

You can now configure employee names that can be displayed consistently across SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite. A new admin option, Enable adoption of General Display Name, is added to control it. With the new capability, employees' chosen names are displayed in all interactions where a legal name isn’t required, while administrators and HRBPs can also access a person’s legal name whenever needed.

LOD-SF-PLT-MNGECT-177396Personal Pronouns | SAP Help Portal


We added a new standard element, pronouns to the Succession Data Model. You can now configure pronouns so that employees can display their pronouns on user interfaces such as People Profile and quickcards.

Previously, people could not list their personal pronouns, like "she/her/hers" and "they/them/theirs" in email signatures and profiles. 

LOD-SF-PLT-MNGECT-185370Support More Values for Gender | SAP Help Portal

Support More Values for Gender

Now, we also support the additional three values, Unknown, Undeclared, and Others, throughout the entire suite as appropriate and applicable in a specific business process.

Previously, only Male and Female gender values were supported throughout the entire HXM Suite, while Employee Central already allowed five gender values. 

LOD-SF-PLT-MNGECT-170010Assignment Display Header | SAP Help Portal

Assignment Display Header

A new standard element, assignmentDisplayHeader, is now available to be added to the Succession Data Model. The new standard element allows you to visualize the different employments of an employee and enables it for usage in latest Goal Management and Opportunity Marketplace.

Previously, Administrators could not configure and import Assignment Display Header. 

LOD-SF-PLT-UIMECT-201586Validation on Hire Date and Exit Date | SAP Help Portal

Validation on Hire Date and Exit Date

When you import user data file, the system now validates the values of HIREDATE and EXITDATE in the file, to check whether the data type is date and whether the value is a valid date.

Previously, if you entered a value that wasn't a date for HIREDATE or EXITDATE, for example, last year, the system didn't import the value or threw an error.


Latest Home Page

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-LHOMWEF-22796Enhancements to Survey Cards on the Latest Home Page | SAP Help Portal

Enhancements to Survey Cards on the Latest Home Page

You can now specify a Target Group for each survey card, enabling you to make different surveys available to different audiences. You can make a survey card visible to one or more dynamic groups, permission roles, or permission groups.

You can now prevent survey cards from showing on the home page while they're work-in-progress. You can use the Enabled switch to show or hide it.

Previously, survey cards were not that flexible and more consistent with other custom cards.

LOD-SF-PLT-LHOMWEF-21119Enhancements to the Manager Experience on the Latest Home Page | SAP Help Portal

Enhancements to the Manager Experience on the Latest Home Page

In the current version, dialogs opened with the My Team quick action and My Team card are enhanced.

In the previous version, dialogs opened with the My Team quick action and My Team card were different.

LOD-SF-PLT-LHOMWEF-33232Enhancements to the User Experience on the Latest Home Page | SAP Help Portal

Enhancements to the User Experience on the Latest Home Page

We've made several enhancements to the user experience on the latest home page. Overall improvement to layout, responsiveness and names were done in response to feedback from customers.


Instance Refresh Tool

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-IRTTLS-24588Restrict Refresh Schedule Date Selection to Not More Than 182 Days | SAP Help Portal

Restrict Refresh Schedule Date Selection to Not More Than 182 Days

In the current version, the Refresh Schedule Date date picker doesn't allow users to select a date beyond 182 days.

This is done so that users do not end up blocking future slots and then cancelling refreshes; so that slots are available for others to use.

LOD-SF-PLT-IRTTLS-21925Selective Anonymization of Data in Instance Refresh | SAP Help Portal

Selective Anonymization of Data in Instance Refresh

In the current version, The Selective Anonymization feature in Instance Refresh allows you to choose which fields in a custom MS Excel template which will be anonymized.

Previously, users did not have the option to anonymize data during instance refresh.

LOD-SF-PLT-TLSTLS-24546Availability of Instance Refresh Request Summary in the Download Log | SAP Help Portal

Availability of Instance Refresh Request Summary in the Download Log

In the current version, the summary of an instance refresh request is now available in the download log on the Overview page for every instance refresh request.

In the previous version, there was not details of the instance refresh request to users.


Data Retention Management

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-DRMPLA-15174More Modules Support Access Control to Purge Reports of DRTM Purge Requests | SAP Help Portal

More Modules Support Access Control to Purge Reports of DRTM Purge Requests

In the current version, users have the ability to restrict access to purge reports of DRTM purge requests based on countries/regions has expanded to more DRTM purge types.

Previously, purge types did not support access control based on countries/regions.

LOD-SF-PLT-DRMPLA-27972Select All Countries/Regions or Legal Entities in DRTM Purge Requests | SAP Help Portal

Select All Countries/Regions or Legal Entities in DRTM Purge Requests

In the current version, you can choose Select all when you define purge rules based on countries/regions or legal entities for DRTM purge requests.

In the previous version, there wasn't an option to select all countries or regions when defining purge rule.


Change Audit Reports

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-CHAPLA-27960Managing General Audit | SAP Help Portal

Managing General Audit

In the current version, You can enable auditing for page access, data export, and proxy sessions using the new tool Manage General Audit in Admin Center.

In the previous version, you did not have the option to expand auditing coverage and gain more insight into your system.

LOD-SF-PLT-RALPLA-28541Increased Limit of User Accounts to Exclude from Read Audit | SAP Help Portal

Increased Limit of User Accounts to Exclude from Read Audit

In the current version, you can add up to 100 users to the Read Audit exception list.

In the previous version, you could add at most 10 users to the Read Audit exception list.


SuccessFactors Mobile app

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-MOBMOB-62897Enhancements to the Home Page on iOS and Android Mobile Apps | SAP Help PortalSecurity Enhancements for iOS and Android Mobile Apps

In the current version, you can prevent users from downloading and previewing content in the iOS and Android mobile apps.

In the previous version, you did not have the Attachment Download Restriction option.

LOD-SF-PLT-MOBMOB-62895Enhancements to the Home Page on iOS and Android Mobile Apps | SAP Help Portal

Enhancements to the Home Page on iOS and Android Mobile Apps

Mobile apps now include:
  • A Company Documents quick action (formerly called View Company Documents) that enables you to browse and view company documents (in the Document Management feature).
  • A Give Feedback quick action that enables you to provide feedback to a coworker (in the Continuous Performance Management feature).

Theme Manager

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-THMWEF-25353Horizon Visual Theme for SAP Fiori | SAP Help PortalHorizon Visual Theme for SAP Fiori

In the current version, when the Horizon visual theme is enabled, you can see updated styling on many pages, such as more rounded corners and a stronger font weight.

In the previous version, the Horizon visual theme wasn't available, so all pages used the older "Quartz" styling, with more square corners and a lighter font weight.

LOD-SF-PLT-THMWEF-22820SAP Fiori Standards Universally Applied to Page Header | SAP Help Portal

SAP Fiori Standards Universally Applied to Page Header

In the current version, the page header has a  (Search) icon that you can use to show or hide the search field. The  (Show Me) icon is on the same side of the avatar image as other icons.

In the previous version, the page header had a search field that was always shown and couldn't be hidden. The  (Show Me) icon was on the opposite side of the avatar image from other icons.


Scheduled Jobs

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-JOBSPLS-31045More Jobs on Job Monitor in Scheduled Job Manager | SAP Help PortalMore Jobs on Job Monitor in Scheduled Job Manager

In the current version, the tab where you monitor job execution is called Job Monitor can still be monitored in Provisioning or. You can select more job types in the Job Type field. Here's an example, showing executions of the Goal notification email job type.

In the previous version, the tab where you monitor job execution was called Scheduled Jobs. The job types included in this enhancement couldn't be monitored in Admin Center. Instead, they were monitored in other tools, like Monitor Jobs and Provisioning.

LOD-SF-PLT-JOBSPLS-334Manage Jobs in Scheduled Job Manager | SAP Help Portal

Set Up Scheduled Jobs in Scheduled Job Manager

In the current version, the tab where you view scheduled jobs and create job requests is called Job Scheduler. You can choose the Create Job Request option to create and submit a job request.

In the previous version, the tab where you view scheduled jobs was called Scheduled Job Requests. You couldn't create job requests or complete any other actions after they're created.


Metadata Framework (MDF)

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-MDF-OBJMDF-29017MDF Data Volume Information Now Available | SAP Help PortalMDF Data Volume Information Now Available

In the current version, the "Copy" menu is available for records of objects under the Configuration or Non-User Transactional category.

In the previous version, administrators did not have the option to copy field values from one record to another for MDF objects under Configuration and Non-User Transactional categories.

LOD-SF-MDF-MGDMDF-3908Copy Configuration and Non-User Transactional MDF Data | SAP Help Portal

Copy Configuration and Non-User Transactional MDF Data

In the current version, the tab where you view scheduled jobs and create job requests is called Job Scheduler. You can choose the Create Job Request option to create and submit a job request.

In the previous version, the tab where you view scheduled jobs was called Scheduled Job Requests. You couldn't create job requests or complete any other actions after they're created.

LOD-SF-MDF-RULRUL-6889Stable Transport and Import of Business Rules | SAP Help Portal

Stable Transport and Import of Business Rules

In the current release, the Business Rules Admin page shows a message about how many rules haven't been migrated yet. The link in the message leads you to the check tool where you can perform the migration.

In the previous release, business rules referred to the option IDs of legacy picklist values used inside the rule. Option IDs are system-specific. After transporting or importing the corresponding rules from the source system to the target system, the picklist values would differ between both systems and could thus lead to different results after rule execution. To prevent this, you had to manually adjust the option IDs of the legacy picklist values in the target system.

The rule showed the label followed by the option ID in brackets in display mode.

LOD-SF-MDF-OBJMDF-49970Warning for Incorrect Value Source | SAP Help PortalWarning for Incorrect Value Source

In Configure Object Definitions, a warning appears upon saving when you use a generic object (GO) as the value source of an MDF field and the effective dating of the value source object is set to "From Parent".

We added the warning to help you avoid application errors and data issues.

LOD-SF-MDF-OBJMDF-48571Search Data Tool Is Deleted | SAP Help PortalSearch Data Tool Is Deleted

The Search Data tool is deleted as of December 9, 2022.

The Manage Data tool provides the same search functionality as Search Data. We encourage you to use Manage Data to create, view, and edit MDF object data.

LOD-SF-MDF-XCMDF-48544Deletion of SAP SuccessFactors Extensions from Extension Center | SAP Help PortalDeletion of SAP SuccessFactors Extensions from Extension Center

SAP SuccessFactors Extensions in Extension Center is going to be deleted on December 9, 2022.

Deprecation of the SuccessFactors Extension from Extension Center
LOD-SF-MDF-RULRUL-8944Extended Rule Function: Get Picklist Value Label | SAP Help PortalExtended Rule Function: Get Picklist Value Label

In the current version, the Get Picklist Value Label rule function can now be used both with legacy picklists and MDF picklists.

In the previous version, the rule function was restricted to legacy picklists.

LOD-SF-MDF-RULTLS-25119Manual Mass Change of Basic Rules to Application-Specific Scenarios | SAP Help PortalManual Mass Change of Basic Rules to Application-Specific Scenarios

In the current release, you can change the underlying rule scenario for more than one rule at a time, from Basic to an application-specific rule scenario. You use the corresponding migration checks of the check tool to perform this change. The tool selects the correct rule scenario for your use case.

In the previous version, you could change the underlying rule scenario to an application-specific rule scenario only for one rule at a time, using the Change Scenario link on the Configure Business Rules page. In the guided procedure that opens up when using this link, you have to choose the corresponding scenario yourself.

LOD-SF-MDF-OBJTLS-18501Enhancement to the Configure Object Definitions Page | SAP Help PortalEnhancement to the Configure Object Definitions Page

In the current version, you can add the MDF Object Definitions from the Configure Object Definitions page. Choose a bundle to add the configurations.

In the previous version, you couldn't add MDF Object Definitions from the Configure Object Definitions page.

LOD-SF-MDF-OBJMDF-50148Improved Search Behavior in Configure Object Definitions | SAP Help PortalImproved Search Behavior in Configure Object Definitions

In the current version, Configure Object Definitions shows items in the object search result that are more relevant and are sorted alphabetically.

In the previous version, Configure Object Definitions shows some irrelevant items in the search result, and the items aren't sorted alphabetically.


Configuration Center

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-CGCTLS-21535Filter Capability in Configuration Center | SAP Help PortalFilter Capability in Configuration Center

In the current version, you can apply filters to narrow down your search results to view and download the required configurations or to transport the required configurations from one tenant to another.

In the previous version, filters weren't available.


Manage Login Account

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-MLAPLA-25749New Global User ID for Use Across SAP Applications | SAP Help PortalNew Global User ID for Use Across SAP Applications

 In the current version, there is new user unique identifier, Global User ID, to identify users across SAP business applications and services.

The feature replaces the need for a correlation of different external user identifiers and functions as the default solution for establishing a common user identifier in integration scenarios.

LOD-SF-PLT-MLAPLA-34885New Account ID Column on the Manage Login Accounts Page | SAP Help PortalNew Account ID Column on the Manage Login Accounts Page

 In the current version, you can see a new column, Account ID, on the Manage Login Accounts page. Account ID is a system-generated UUID. For example, 62272060-8568-9349-1700-022438dcdf96. Account ID is not editable.

In the previous version, Account ID was not an option.


Admin Center

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLTPLT-80253Enhancement to Tools Feature in Admin Center | SAP Help PortalEnhancement to Tools Feature in Admin Center

In the current version, you can add more tools as Favorites and see more recently used tools in the Admin Center. You can also now select a tools category from the search results to see corresponding links, instead of scrolling through the lists of links within the nested categories.

In the previous version, all the categories and their corresponding links were displayed in a vertical view. As a result, some categories that displayed at the bottom of the page would only show a partial list of corresponding links, and you would have to scroll to the top to see the remaining half of the list.



 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-ALRTLS-24917Maximum Number of Unresolved Alerts | SAP Help PortalMaximum Number of Unresolved Alerts

In the current version, the Admin Alert Type Information popup shows information about the maximum number of unresolved alerts.

In the previous version, there was no maximum number of unresolved alerts defined. Alerts were created or updated on a daily basis.


Check Tool

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-CHKTLS-23495Major Changes to the Check Tool | SAP Help PortalMajor Changes to the Check Tool

In the current version, the checks are now grouped on tabs according to the check type they belong to. Each check type follows a specific purpose.

In the previous version, all checks were grouped by application area. Additional information on a check was displayed in a dialog box. There were no migration checks.



 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-PWDPLU-5907Updated Default Settings for Reset Password Messages | SAP Help PortalUpdated Default Settings for Reset Password Messages

In the current version, the popup messages that appear when you reset the password for login accounts have been enhanced, to enable automatic email notifications for account users.


Action Search

 Component IDFeature Name & Help Guide LinkDescription Before & AfterAdditional Information
LOD-SF-PLT-SRHPLS-26420New Actions Available in Action Search | SAP Help PortalNew Actions Available in Action Search

In the current version, the actions listed above are available in Action Search. Now, you can search for these actions in the global header search box.

In the previous version, these actions were not available in Action Search.



2H 2022, 2H, H2 2022, 2H2022, H22022, b2211, 2211 , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT , Platform Foundational Capabilities , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors Platform all versions