How to configure prerequisites for Intelligent Sales Execution(ISE) to work?
SAP Cloud for Customer
ISE needs to be scoped first.
- Go to Business Configuration -> Implementation Projects
- Go to the 3rd step
- Expand the scoping element Communication and information Exchange -> Integration with External Applications and Solutions
- Scope "Integration Scenarios with Cloud Solution From SAP"
- Go to the 4th steps Questions.
- Expand Communication and Information Exchange > Integration with External Applications and Solutions > Integration Scenarios with Cloud Solutions from SAP, and then check the "Do you want to use Intelligent Sales Execution in your cloud solution?" scoping question.
- Review your project scope, and click Finish.
- Go to Administrator > General Settings > Business Roles and edit applicable business roles.
- Under Work Center and View Assignments, navigate to Intelligent Sales Execution (ID: COD_ISE_WCF) and enable work center views by role.
- Save your entries.
Then, there are several prerequisites for ISE functions to work.
I. Configure Fiscal Year
Opportunities are displayed based on fiscal month, quarter, and year. Therefore, administrators must define the fiscal year in SAP Cloud for Customer.
- Go to Business Configuration -> Implementation Projects View
- Select the current Project and click on Edit Project Scope
- Go to step 4 Questions.
- Expand the node Built-in Service and Support
- Choose System Management
- Choose Analytics
- In the right pane the last question will be "Enable Reporting on Fiscal Year?"
- Scope this question "Enable Reporting on Fiscal Year?"
- Go back to Business Configuration -> Implementation Projects View
- Select the current project and navigate to Open Activity List -> Fine Tune -> Enable Reporting on Fiscal Year
- Configure and activate the desired fiscal year variant
- This fiscal year variant should be Active
- The "Default Fiscal Year variant" needs to be selected
- All details need to be shown below for month, quarter and year
We recommend using fiscal year variant 10, Fiscal Year Like Calendar Year.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
II. Configure Currencies and Benchmark Currency
To allow for currency conversions, administrators must configure currencies and exchange rates in SAP Cloud for Customer. If you specify a benchmark currency in Intelligent Sales Execution, you can only maintain exchange rates against that single currency in SAP Cloud for Customer.
- Go to Administrator -> Common Task
- Open Exchange Rate For Foreign Currencies
- Maintain exchange rates against the single reference currency
- These exchange rates should be valid
- Go to Intelligent Sales Execution-> ISE Administration-> General Settings
- Under Benchmark Currency, choose the base currency for all your currency conversions.
III. Configure Forecast Categories
To use Intelligent Sales Execution, administrators must set up forecast categories in SAP Cloud for Customer.
Opportunities must be assigned to forecast categories as aggregate totals are calculated and displayed based on forecast category. Opportunities without a forecast category maintained aren't available in Intelligent Sales Execution.
Administrators can define custom categories and map them to definitions in Intelligent Sales Execution. If you have no custom categories maintained and are using only the standard forecast categories and have this correctly set-up then you can still use ISE but you will not see ‘ Forecast Category Mapping’ in the ISE Administration work centre view.
One-to-one mapping of definitions is required if using custom categories:
- Committed: Opportunities that are certain to become closed-won
- Best Case: Opportunities that may become closed-won
- Pipeline: Opportunities that aren’t expected to close in the current fiscal period
- Additional Category:You can include one more category between commit and best case if necessary, such as "Most Likely".
- Go to Business Configuration ->Implementation Projects
- Select your project and navigate to Open Activity List -> Fine-Tune -> Sales Forecast Category
- Edit your categories and Save
- Go to Intelligent Sales Execution -> ISE Administration ->General Settings
- Under Forecast Category Mapping
- Map standard or custom forecast categories you've defined in SAP Cloud for Customer with their definitions
- Please note that the section Forecast Category Mapping only appears after you've defined custom forecast categories in your system. If it doesn't show up after defining custom categories, please wait some time, clear the browser cache and reload it.
IV. Configure Forecast Hierarchy and Login User should be Part of Sales Org/Territory Hierarchies
Administrators must specify how forecasts should be aggregated in Intelligent Sales Execution, by territory or by sales unit.
- Go to Intelligent Sales Execution-> ISE Administration -> General Settings
- Under Forecast Hierarchy, select the option that describes how forecasts are rolled up in your company.
- If Sales Unit Hierarchy is selected, your login user needs to be manager or primary employee in a valid org unit which has sales function enabled.
- If Territory Hierarchy is selected, your login user needs to be assigned either "owner / employee responsible" or "forecast team member" in a territory. Your logon user also need access assignment of sales territory work center view under sales work center.
V. Configure Revenue Splits
- Unselect this checkbox "Enable Revenue Splits" if no opportunity has revenue splits defined in the system.
- Please note if there're opportunities without revenue split & no opportunity with revenue split & this checkbox is selected, pipeline management and forecasting still won't show the opportunities without revenue split.
- Select this checkbox to calculate opportunity amount values and aggregates based on assigned revenue splits if there's opportunity has revenue splits defined in the system.
VI. Deal Intelligence if Opportunity Score is selected for Pipeline Chart
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
The enablement of deal intelligence is only a prerequisite for the pipeline manager if Opportunity Score is selected for Pipeline Chart. This is Not a prerequisite if Probability is selected for Pipeline Chart.
Opportunity scoring uses machine learning to predict if an opportunity in status open or in process will be won or lost, which is expressed in an opportunity score. The pipeline manager module uses the opportunity score to create the visual representation of the opportunities in the pipeline. The forecast tracker and pipeline flow don’t require opportunity scoring.
If you would like to enable deal intelligence and you have the license, please kindly create a new case with a request for deal intelligence activation.
See Also
- Help documentation - Intelligent Sales Add-On for SAP Sales Cloud
- Blog-Intelligent Sales Execution in SAP Cloud for Customer
- 3142375 - Message "Oops, looks like you aren’t part of the hierarchy. Please contact your admin to get assigned and start seeing some opportunities." in Pipeline Manager/Pipeline Flow view
- 3262419 - Error "Exchange rate note maintained for: XXX - USD" When Opening Intelligent Sales Execution Workcentre View
ISE;not work;no data;keep loading;Intelligent Sales Execution;pipeline manager;forecast tracker;pipeline flow;empty;sales addon;add-on;empty;opportunities;doesn't work;ISE not working; , KBA , LOD-CRM-SBS-FT , Forecast Tracker , LOD-CRM-SBS-PI , Pipeline & Pipeline Flow , How To