SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3255351 - Country Borders shown on Google Maps


Country / Region Borders are shown on Google Maps.


SAP Cloud for Customer.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open Calendar Workcenter.
  2. Select Map View.
  3. Navigate to any country/region for example Morocco.
  4. Can see Morocco and Western Sahara are shown with borders.

Expected behaviour -  map view should not have the borders separating these as "Google has changed the look of Morocco map on its web mapping service, Google Maps, removing the dotted line separating the country from the region of Western Sahara." [].


You have not maintained the correct configurations.


You need to enable the company setting 'Enable Geolocation Tracking' under Settings > Company Settings.

See Also


Google maps, country borders, region borders, Enable Geolocation Tracking , KBA , AP-RC-GEN-MSH , Mashups , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions