Online deployment takes extremely long time. You can see following entries in the logs:
- deploy.<x>.trc:
Deploy Service's update operation has finished with warnings. CSN component of deployment item is [not available].
Warning occurred on server <node ID where the deployment is initiated> during update of <name of the application>
Deploy Service's update operation has finished with warnings. CSN component of deployment item is [not available].
Error occurred on server <node ID of another cluster element> during startApp of <name of the application> : Cannot send message to [(ALL)], because [Participant <node ID of another cluster element> did not return a response in the specified timeout of [180000] ms].
[...] - defaultTrace of relevant cluster element with <node ID of another cluster element>:
[...] Cannot start application <name of the application>; nested exception is: java.rmi.RemoteException: ASJ.dpl_ds.006125 Error occurred while starting application locally and wait.; nested exception is: Exception while [registering [startApp] of [<name of the application>].
Reason: Cannot obtain enqueue locks <...> for startApp of the following application: [<name of the application>].
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java all versions
SAP NetWeaver all versions
esv~ip~i800~ear~module~soaprest, SOAPREST, SOAP2REST, PI module, PI modules, PO, PI, Process integration, process orchestration, NWDS, netweaver developer studio, deploy, module~soaprest , KBA , BC-JAS-DPL , Deployment , BC-XI-CON-RST , Rest Adapter , Problem
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