- You create a down payment for a purchase order with currency XYZ (XYZ represents a currency acronym)
- When invoicing the purchase order you create supplier invoice ABC with currency DEF. The invoice is posted in the application but not in accounting. Instead, a process communication error appears for the document (ABC represents a supplier invoice ID, DEF represents a different currency acronym).
- You check the process communication error and notice the error message "Payment Currency ABC Differs From Transaction Currency in Receivables Payables Register."
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- In the Supplier Invoicing work center go to the Invoices and Credit Memos view, find supplier invoice ABC and open it.
- The invoice displays the status Posted.
- Open the invoice's document flow. Instead of a journey entry icon you notice an exclamation mark indicating a process communication.
- You navigate to the Process Communication Errors view of the Application and User Management work center.
- Select Open Errors with Incidents.
- Find supplier invoice ABC.
- The error message "Payment Currency ABC Differs From Transaction Currency in Receivables Payables Register." appears for the document.
In this scenario it is not possible to derive an exchange rate automatically for the used currencies in the down payment and invoice.
You need to cancel invoice ABC. Also the cancellation invoice will display a process communication error. You can ask Support to delete the respective background messages of these invoices so that they no longer appear in the purchase order's document flow.
Once canceled, invoice the purchase order again.
In the new invoice, maintain an exchange rate directly in the supplier invoice:
- Go to the General tab and here to the Exchange Rates sub-tab.
- Enter the supplier invoice currency, here DEF, in the Unit Currency column and enter the down payment currency, here XYZ, in the Quoted Currency column.
- Maintain the exchange rate.
When the invoice is posted, it will reach accounting: A journal entry will be created for the document.
process communication error supplier invoice, payment currency differs from transaction currency , KBA , AP-SIP-SIV , Supplier Invoice , Problem