SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3258794 - Incorrect Requested Date Under Sales Orders Item


You have created a Sales Order and noticed that the Requested Dated under the Items tab does not reflect the value/date maintained under the Header of the document.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center.
  2. Select the Sales Orders view.
  3. Search for the ID ABC (ABC represents the ID of the Sales Order).
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click View All.
  6. Under the General tab.
  7. Requested Date shows as: 01/08/2022.
  8. Navigate to the Items tab.
  9. Requested Date shows as: 01/09/2022.


The process works based on inheritance, but it will only work if the Header and Item values/dates are the exact same.

During the creation of the Sales Order ABC, the Requested Date was cleared on Header.
This action then clears the Item too.
Then the Requested Date on the Item was updated to be value 01/09/2022 and the document is saved.
Now the Header is missing the value/date.

Navigate to the Changes tab and you can see the value before the change for Requested Date under the Header was empty and this was later updated for the value 01/08/2022.

Since the values/dates between Header and Item are still different no inheritance will happen.


This is the system expected behavior.

See Also

2676869 - Requested Date in the Sales Orders Does Not Change as Expected
2018447 - The Settings Required to Maintain Requested Date in Sales Orders


Requested Date, Sales Order, Inheritance, Missing, Wrong , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions