- Several spids are stuck in lock sleep
- sp_who shows the following
SpId Status LoginName ProgramName DbName ProcName Line Cmd Blocked By
---- ------------ ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------------------------------- ----- ------------ --------------------------
1305 lock sleep <login> <program name> <database> Not Available 1 INSERT Blk By 230 <program name>
1886 lock sleep <login> <program name) <database> Not Available 1 INSERT Blk By 230 <program name>
3928 lock sleep <login> <program name> <database> Not Available 1 INSERT Blk By 230 <program name>
- Killing spid with process in latch sleep gives the following error:
Attempted to kill spid 230 on entity <Server>
Killing spid: 230 will not be immediate because it is waiting for a latch held by spid: 3272. - The spid causing blocking (3272) is in latch sleep and is also not killable because it is also waiting for a latch.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 & SP04
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions
latch deadlock kill , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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