A packaging material is not visible in the drop-down list "Other packaging materials" in the apps "Pack Warehouse Stock" and "Pack Outbound Deliveries"'.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Open Pack Outbound Deliveries or Pack Warehouse Stock App;
2. Select the Work Center and the Storage Bin value;
3. Click in the Start Packing button;
4. Click in the Create button;
5. Check the drop-down list “Other Packaging Materials”;
6. The desired packing material is not visible in the drop-down list.
There is a limitation that packaging material list can only show < = 200 entries in this two apps.
The list is sorted in the order of material id, which can help you to locate which target packaging material is missing.
In Pack Outbound Deliveries and Pack Warehouse Stock Apps, if none BAdI implementation exists, 10000 packaging materials can be retrieved, user can create new HU with the packaging material, even it's not in the list.
User can filter or retrieve the packaging material set by implementing the BAdI /scwm/ex_filter_packmatset.
pack outbound deliveries, pack warehouse stock, drop-down list, useless packaging materials, less than 100, packing material limitation, remove packing material, other packaging materials, delete function for product in master table, marking for deletion, /scwm/ex_filter_packmatset. , KBA , SCM-EWM-WC-PAC , Packing , Problem