HANA Cockpit cannot be accessed and by further checking, found below symptomes:
- Checking 'xs a', sap-portal-persistency is down and cannot be started after some actions like XSA restart, XSA upgrade, or XSA certificate reset.
Getting apps in org "<Org name>" / space "<SPACE name>" as <User name>...
Found apps:
name requested state instances tasks memory disk alerts urls
sap-portal-persistency STARTED 0/1 - 256 MB <unlimited> DOWN! https://<domain>:<port>
- Checking 'xs logs sap-portal-persistency', below error can be found:
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR Error: Cannot find module '/hana/shared/<SID>/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/<guid>/app/node_modules/@sap/hana-client/prebuilt/linuxx86_64-gcc48/hana-client.node'
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR Require stack:
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR - /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/<guid>/app/node_modules/@sap/hana-client/lib/index.js
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR - /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/<guid>/app/node_modules/sap-portal-shared-lib/db/hdb-adapter.js
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR - /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/<guid>/app/node_modules/sap-portal-shared-lib/db/datasource.js
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR - /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/<guid>/app/node_modules/sap-portal-shared-lib/index.js
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR - /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/<guid>/app/server.js
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:902:15)
M/DD/YY H:MM:SS.sss PM [APP/3-0] ERR at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:746:27)
- SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0
- SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
Cannot find module, hana-client.node, XSA, XS Advanced, runtime , KBA , HAN-CPT-CPT2 , SAP HANA Cockpit version 2 - based on XSA , Problem
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