Customer wants to know by what condition system determines items' ranking in library search.
SAP Successfactors Learning
The catalog ranked search is to provide a keyword/key phrase search that returns results by the relevance. Users enter word(s) and/or phrases to search for. The results returned will match the search criteria and will be ordered with the closest match at the top.
Search Logic :
-There are 5 columns that are searched on with the following weights applied:
title - 10
description – 1
cpnt+id - 1
cpnt+type+id - 1
qual+id - 1
-An occurrence based search is used for scoring an item, then the weight is applied as a multiplier.
For Example:
Item 1: title (1 match), description (1 match) = 11
Item 2: description (4 matches) = 4
Item 3: title (2 matches) = 20
Search words are tokenized.
- Each token is searched for within each field using a double wildcard (ex. ‘seb’ matches ‘baseball’);
- Each phrase is searched for within each field using an exact match.
- The scores for each search against each field are weighted, then summed to produce a final score for the item.
The maximum number of items displayed in the dropdown list, when customer type in the keyword is limited to 8.
SF Learning, catalog search, keyword , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CAT , Catalog , How To