After successfully setting up System Replication the status shows active. All services in sync.
However from the HANA Studio its observed from System Replication status overview the column 'SECONDARY_ACTIVE_STATUS' shows 'CONNECTION TIMEOUT' as does
Nameserver trace shows errors:
e sr_nameserver DRClient.cpp(00924) : Could not reach any host of site '<site id>' to send request 'dr_getservers'. Hosts: (<hostname>:40002) Errors:
nameserver communication error;internal error(5500)
e sr_nameserver DRClient.cpp(01917) : resolveHost <hostname> not found in global.ini/[system_replication_hostname_resolution]
2. Or nameserver trace on secondary site shows entries of:
Successfully sending encrypted request '<request>' to <host> via clear-text port=<port> as fallback. This is for backward-compatibility during near-zero-downtime-upgrade and may have performance degradation. If you run into this warning while the peer is not during upgrade, please check if the secure port <source_port> is firewalled
3. nameserver trace on primary shows repeated entries of
e sr_nameserver DRClient.cpp(01052) : Could not reach any host of site '<site id>' to send request 'dr_getremotereplicationinfo'. Hosts: (<ip address of secondary>:<port>) Errors:
nameserver communication error;connection refused(5500)
This scenario can occur when you previously had working system replication and correct status but have recently upgraded to HANA 2 SPS7 or recently set enable_ssl=on and confirmed it is set to the same value in both sites.
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
SAP HANA Platform edition 2.0
system replication, Connection timeout, SECONDARY_ACTIVE_STATUS, replication status, , KBA , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , Problem
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