Service Performer is not determined in the Service Quote eventhough the Service Performer - Service is maintained in the Ship-to master data.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration -> Overview
- Open fine tuning activity "Involved Parties for Service Quotes" / "Involved Parties for Service Orders".
- Select Service Performer and click Maintain Determination
- Step 10 -> Direct responsible of Account is Active.
- Go to Account management -> Accounts.
- Edit the Account XYZ. (XYZ represents the Ship-To party ID)
- Navigate to Contacts -> Responsibilities.
- Service Performer - Service is maintained.
- Go to New Business -> New Service Quote.
- Enter Account XYZ.
- Service Performer is not assigned.
Service Performer is determined in the Service Quote based on the Service Performer - Sales Orders maintained in the Ship-To location of the account.
- Go to Account management -> Accounts
- Edit the account XYZ
- Navigate to Contacts -> Responsibilities.
- Service Performer - Sales Orders is not maintained.
Currently Service Performer is determined in the Service Quote based on the Service Performer - Sales Orders, we will change this determination to Service Performer - Service in one of the future release.
See Also
KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , Problem
SAP Business ByDesign 2208 ; SAP Business ByDesign 2211