SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3263438 - Archived: Error Importing .csv Data via File Server or Locally in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)


  • Archived Reason: Resolved in QRC1 2023
  • Unsuccessful data import from File Server or manually uploaded .csv in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)
  • Error message "We were unable to insert the data into the fact table. Please contact your company administrator with the following error code (DA_FDI)"


  • SAP Analytics Cloud 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In SAP Analytics Cloud, go to a Model.
  2. Under the tab “Data Management”, in the “Draft Sources” section, select: “Import Data” > “File”
  3. Upload file via File Server or locally.
  4. Select the new query and map dimensions as required.
  5. Click on “Validate Data”
  6. Click on “Finish Mapping”


  • Product defect.


  • Resolved in QRC1 2023 


SAC, Error, Issue, Data, Unable, Connection, Connector, Connect, Import, Live, Acquisition, Setup, Model, Failure, Stopped, Loading , KBA , LOD-ANA-AQU , Import Data Connections (Acquiring Data) , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0