Flow types classify the lifecycle of cash flows, for example, it distinguishes forecasted cash flows from confirmed cash flows. Only transaction data that is assigned with flow type information can be consumed and used in Cash Management applications and are relevant to build flows into One exposure.
S/4 Hana 1709, 1809, 1909, 2020, 2021, 2022
Flow type update in S/4 Hana Cash Management, Accounting document, FQM_UPDATE_FLOW_TYPE , Custom flow type update, Override , bank Statement , planning level not assigned into FQM_FLOW, FF_5 , Missing, FCLM_SETUP010, You can't rebuild data for any company code , KBA , FIN-FSCM-FQM , One Exposure , FIN-FSCM-CLM , SAP Cash Management , How To
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