SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3265982 - 'Different fiscal year variants exist for the assigned sets of books' Error While Executing a GR/IR Clearing Run


 Error message is thrown upon execution of GR/IR Clearing Run:

'Different fiscal year variants exist for the assigned sets of books'.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Inventory Valuation work center.
  2. Go to the GR/IR Clearing view.
  3. Click New --> GR/IR Clearing Run.
  4. Fill in mandatory fields (such as Company ID) and leave Set of Books empty.
  5. Click Start Now.
  6. Error is thrown:

'Different fiscal year variants exist for the assigned sets of books'

Along with the error message, there's also an info message displayed:

'Select one set of books only'.


When a company is assigned to multiple sets of books, and these sets of books are assigned to different fiscal year variants, it's not possible to execute a single GR/IR Clearing Run for all sets of books.

For example:

Company ABC is assigned to Set of Books DEF and GHI (ABC represents Company ID, DEF and GHI represents Set of Books).

Set of Books DEF is tied to Fiscal Year Variant AAA (AAA represents Fiscal Year Variant).

Set of Books GHI is tied to Fiscal Year Variant BBB (BBB represents Fiscal Year Variant).

It's not possible to execute a GR/IR Clearing Run for Company ABC leaving the Set of Books field empty, as this implies the run would be executed for DEF and GHI.


Perform GR/IR Clearing Run for each Set of Books seperately as following:

  1. Go to the Inventory Valuation work center.
  2. Go to the GR/IR Clearing view.
  3. Click New --> GR/IR Clearing Run.
  4. Fill mandatory fields (i.e. Company ID) and fill in Set of Books (i.e. DEF or GHI).
  5. Click Start Now.


 gr/ir clearing run; set of books; fiscal year variant; sob; fyv , KBA , gr/ir clearing run; , select one set of books only , different fiscal year variants exist for , SRD-FIN-INV , Inventory , Known Error


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