SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3267104 - You are not authorized to use transaction FBZ0 occurs when display payment proposal


When you try to display or edit the payment proposal, an error message "You are not authorized to use transaction FBZ0" is displayed in app "Automatic Payment Transactions for Payment Requests".



Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to app "Automatic Payment Transactions for Payment Requests".
  2. Provide the parameters "Run date" and "Identification" of payment proposal.
  3. Follow the path: Press Menu > Edit > Proposal > Display.
  4. Give the company code specification.
  5. Press Continue.


The app "Automatic Payment Transactions for Payment Requests" is required one of the below business catalogs:


User assigned with the business role CASH_MANAGER or CASH_SPECIALIST can access the app and access limited functionalities.

To have access to the payment proposal functionality it is required to have assigned the business role "Treasury Specialist - Back Office (SAP_BR_TREASURY_SPECIALIST_BOE)" which includes the business catalog "SAP_FIN_BC_PAYT_PC".


Activate one or all of the scope items containing the business catalog "SAP_FIN_BC_PAYT_PC" in your system. Following scope items are mentioned.

  • Finance Bank Guarantee Management (2NZ).
  • Finance Debt and Investment Management (1WV).
  • Finance Foreign Currency Risk Management (1X1).
  • Finance Interest Rate Derivatives Management (1X3).
  • Finance Money Market Mutual Fund Management (2UN).

Assign the role "Treasury Specialist - Back Office" to your user.

See Also

Test script of the scope items can be found from the SAP Best Practices Explorer link.


FBZ0, Authorized, Authorization, F111, Automatic Payment Transactions for Payment Requests, Treasury Specialist, TRM , KBA , FIN-FSCM-CLM-2CL , Cash Management (Public Cloud) , FI-AP-AP-B-2CL , Payment Progam / Payment transfer (DE, JP, US) (Public Cld) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions