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3267122 - Targeted CR List for ASE 16.0 SP03 PL14


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 PL14 . Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release. 

CR NumberDescription
762764 Introduce new global variable @@version_number_full. For ASE version"", @@version_number_full will return integer value 1600309.
799405 In some circumstances, DBCC CHECKSTORAGE may seem to hang when it is executed against an archive database. See KBA 3259509.
820087 The message, "timeslice < negative-value > , current process infected ...", in the module 'j_forcep_order' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'join' and 's_ap_compat_gen' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the SET options 'forceplan' and 'compatibility_mode' are enabled. See KBA 2840783.
821057 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stack trace which includes the module 'LeAlignedDataRow::readRow' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when an insensitive scroll cursor using built-in functions in the cursor definition is opened. See KBA 2890758.
821662 The Message 701, "There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later, or ask your SA to reconfigure ASE with more procedure cache.", may be reported when executing the built-in 'hashbytes' or 'hash' by using the ‘md5’ hash algorithm against a table which has millions of rows stored. See KBA 2925203.
822335 The frequency of error 9409, "Current transaction ID ( < value > , < value > ) in database < database-name > (dbid = < database-id > ): commit wait < reason > .", reported in the SAP ASE error log has been diminished. See KBA 3289685.
823145 A 5055 error, "You cannot remove < number > log pages ( < number > MB) from the database < name > because the amount of free log space remaining ...", or a 5056 error, "You cannot remove < number > pages ( < number > MB) from database < name > ; only < number > unreserved pages ( < number > MB) are available.", may be reported by SAP ASE when ALTER DATABASE < name > LOG OFF < device > is executed for shrinking a log device. See KBA 3289600.
823360 In rare circumstances, after loading a cumulative dump an invalid row may be seen in master..sysusages for the target database with segmap and location column values set to zero and a positive vdevno column value respectively. See KBA 3238664.
823670 In rare circumstances, the message, "stack overflow last chance handler for task < kpid-value > ...", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a session has encountered an overflow stack situation and Adaptive Server is unable to report the session's call stack which would have helped diagnose the problem. See KBA 3018577.
823787 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'CgHashPart::CgGenLePartitions' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'CgpAppendUnionAll' and 's_compile_stmt' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a select union query is executed. See KBA 3273610.
823824 SAP Adaptive Server is enhanced to better handle data type conversion from LOB to varchar while a query is being re-normalized.
824724 The stored procedure 'sp_chgattribute' is enhanced to accept a fully qualified object name as parameter. See KBA 827582.
824929 The column PagesTouched of the monitoring table monCachePool may provide an incorrect value when the pages from an encrypted database are brought into the SAP ASE data cache. See KBA 3063991.
825361 When a select permission privilege is revoked on a system table from the public group, this change does not persist after an SAP ASE version upgrade. See KBA 3086018.
825663 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'plc__flush' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'kill_proc' and 'rec_undo_session', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while a session that has hit a stack overflow is terminated. See KBA 3164476.
825684 In rare circumstances, SAP Adaptive Server Rep Agent may not be stopped due to a stream replication native thread sleeping on exit on which the Rep Agent is dependent while the configuration option 'enable pci' is on. See KBA 3150546.
825777 A 707 error, "System error detected during attempt to free memory at address < 0xvalue > . Please consult the ASE error log for more details.", in the module 'mem_freepages' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ssql__rmplans', 'des_objdrop' and 'lwp_create' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query is executed as dynamic sql. See KBA 3114442.
825797 The message text for errors 2628 and 2630 is enhanced to indicate to which object the problematic page belongs when a shrink or split index operation fails. Additionally when an orphan locked spinlock is found, Adaptive Server will report the server process id value, besides the kernel process id value.
825859 SAP Adaptive Server is enhanced on Linux platform, to support booting with variable percentages of available huge page memory and remaining regular page memory. The ASE trace flag 17014 can be used to disable this behavior. See KBA 3296512.
825884 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stack trace which includes the module 'LeHashTable::GetBucket' or 'LeHashTable::GetPartition' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a hash join select query is run in parallel while the query execution is aborted. See KBA 3126590.
826193 A 3328 error, “Redo of 'CREATE INDEX' in transaction ID (0,0) for table name '', object ID '0' did not find 'sysobjects' system catalog log record. Recovery of database 'BLA' cannot continue.”, may be reported during LOAD TRANSACTION when we are in a load sequence which spans across 16.0 SP02 and 16.0 SP03 versions, and the transaction dump being loaded was taken after Adaptive Server was upgraded from 16.0 SP02 or lower to 16.0 SP03 or higher, and a full database dump on 16.0 SP03 was not taken first. This error is observed when the database option 'enforce dump tran sequence' is enabled. The fix made in CR 822434 is redesigned herein to lift the obligation for taking a full database dump after Adaptive Server was upgraded to 16.0 SP03. See KBA 3289574.
826231 In rare circumstances, during the recovery phase of a database, negative values may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, for example, "Undo pass for database ' < database-name > ': 290090394 records done (100%); -7727 records left.", for the number of records to be recovered. See KBA 3158464.
826319 In rare circumstances, when a stored procedure that includes a MERGE INTO statement that is using the xmltable() query function which references a LOB parameter is executed, some memory corruption in the SAP ASE procedure cache may occur resulting in messages, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", reported in different modules. See KBA 3236455.
826658 The message, "ELC_VALIDATION_ERROR: Page not marked free.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when CREATE INDEX fails with a 1521 error, "Sort failed because a table in tempdb used for the processing of the query had a bad data page count. Tempdb should not have been damaged.". See KBA 3210652.
826726 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'cm_dbclean' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'masterrecover' and 'dsinit' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when starting a 4KB page size Adaptive Server whose 'default data cache' size is greater than 2TB.
826773 Setuphadr supports intermediate CA to enable SSL in HADR.
826783 SAP ASE is enhanced to also report the error messages for 5082, 5087, 5088, and 5089 along with their SQL text in the error log, when ALTER DATABASE command is executed. See KBA 3217783.
826790 A 2601 error, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysservers' with unique index 'csysservers'", may be reported in SAP ASE error log when sp_addserver is run to add the 999th entry into sysservers table. See KBA 3218200.
826833 The message, "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in either the module 'pipe_read' or 'pipe_emptypipe' together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the parallel execution of a Lava query on AIX systems only. See KBA 2694998.
826854 A 14127 error, "Cannot drop or modify partition descriptor < partition-information > as it is in use. Please retry your command later. Total reference count ' < value > '. Task reference count ' < value > '.", may be frequently reported by SAP ASE when ALTER TABLE ... DROP PARTITION is run. KBA 2056295
826901 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'LOBparamCacheRelease' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'terminate_process' and 'lava_last_chance_cleanup' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a session is killed while executing a select query with LOB datum.
826935 In rare circumstances, the login password plain text is not obfuscated in the audit records when the SAP ASE configuration option 'auditing' is enabled, if the login password is NULL or contains the same delimiter in which it is enclosed.
826959 A 4022 error, "Server message: The password has expired, but you are still allowed to log in. You must change your password before you can continue. If a login trigger is set, it will not be executed.", and a 7742 error, "Server message: You must change your password using the ALTER LOGIN command before you can continue.", may be reported in the SAP JSAgent error log during startup of the jsagent when the sp_passwordpolicy 'expire login' is set to '1'. See KBA 3231364.
827033 The SAP ASE message text for 2780 error, "maxlen ( < value > ) is less than length ( < value > )", which is raised in module 'mk_constant' is enhanced to report useful debugging information that should help the root cause analysis. See KBA 3053562.
827045 The message, "Current process infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)", in the module 'LeSendRow::_sendColsToClien' or 'sendtext' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeSendRow::sendRowToClient' and 'LeEmitSndOp::_LeEoRouteResults', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on Solaris systems when a SELECT query that includes in-row LOB columns is run while Adaptive Server executes the query using a HASH operator. See KBA 3238270.
827115 SAP ASE server will fail to boot, if the underlying platform does not support TSX (Transactional synchronization Extensions) capability, but the ASE configuration option “enable transactional memory” is set in the config file. See KBA 3245400.
827132 The system stored procedure sp_sysmon_locks misses to report 'Lock Promotion' values for 'Up-Page' and 'Up-Row' cases. See KBA 3252094.
827133 A 529 error, “Explicit conversion from datatype 'IMAGE' to 'VARCHAR' is not allowed.”, may be reported when insert auditing is enabled and a data row is inserted into a table that has an IMAGE column defined. See KBA 3245904.
827148 In rare circumstances, a 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page < page-number > was read while accessing database < database-name > ( < database-id > ), object 'sysimrslogs' (59), index 'sysimrslogs' (0), partition 'sysimrslogs_59' (59). Please contact SAP Technical Support.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log under an HADR system which includes an IMRS-enabled database. See KBA 3289609.
827155 A 10304 error, "Only the owner of object ' < object-name > ' or a user with 'sa_role' role can run this command.'", may be reported when "dbcc chgindcachedvalue( < database-name > . < object-owner > . < object-name > )" is executed in a database other than the database name indicated in the dbcc command by the object owner to whom the 'own database' privilege is granted on this database.
827184 A 17915 error, "Warning: the specified account is currently active.", is unexpectedly not reported by SAP ASE when sp_droplogin ' < login-name > ' is run and the login name to delete is active.
827188 In rare circumstances, a 695 error, "An attempt was made to read logical page ' < page-number-1 > ' for database ' < database-name > ' ( < database-id > ), object '' (99), index ' < Unknown > ' (0), partition ' < Unknown > ' (99) from disk. Wrong logical page ' < page-number-2 > ' was brought into cache 'default data cache'. If pages are being signed, this may indicate a signature check failure.", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_get_alloc_page' and 'ldxact' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when LOAD TRANSACTION is executed. See KBA 3254015.
827192 In rare cases, even after the timeout period has expired, the SAP ASE Jobscheduler's stored procedure "sp_sjobcontrol" with option "stop_js_timeout" does not stop the JSAGENT.
827195 DBCC FIX_PAGE utility has been enhanced to support new mode 'relaxed'.
827197 The output of DBCC SHOWRECOVERY may sometimes report an inaccurate value for "Percentage of log scan completed". See KBA 3252031.
827207 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'mda_populate_monDeviceIO' together with a stacktrace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when queries are being run against MDA table master..monDeviceIO while a device is simultaneously being dropped via sp_dropdevice or unmount database. See KBA 3124331.
827213 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'lookup_varnode' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'internal_sql' and 'bld_cmd_estep' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a @table variable is referenced in the Transact-SQL command that is dynamically run with EXECUTE. See KBA 3255603.
827223 While ALTER TABLE is executed to either split or move the data of a table's partition, if the built-in defrag_status() is concurrently run, SAP ASE may delete the defragmentation information for all the partitions of the table unexpectedly. See KBA 3254095.
827232 The execution of built-in show_cached_plan_in_xml( < statement-id > ,0) will not print the query plan details for execute cursors. See KBA 3269443.
827233 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'astc__dtxp_scavenge' together with a stacktrace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when Adaptive Server has run out of "number of dtx participants". See KBA 2697060.
827237 The current fix expands CR 826739 fix whereby a 4956 error was reported by SAP ASE when ALTER TABLE ... ADD PARTITION commands are executed simultaneously on a table while the configuration option 'enable utility lvl 0 scan wait' is on. See KBA 3216925.
827306 In rare circumstances, an undetected deadlock may occur between a task running GRANT ROLE or REVOKE ROLE and a task performing a role lookup when SAP ASE is started with trace flag 859 which enables role lookup optimization. See KBA 3261480.
827325 A new option to skip 'removehadr' is added in 'setuphadr' utility while configuring an HADR system. See KBA 3275824.
827332 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'curs_close' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_recompile' and 's_readproc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a stored procedure that has a server cursor is recompiled and before a 701 error, "There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later, or ask your SA to reconfigure ASE with more procedure cache.", was reported. See KBA 3281068.
827355 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", may be reported in SAP ASE error log together with a stack trace which includes either the module 'next_root', or 'IsExprNullable', or 'proc__setdb_tree' when a stored procedure is either executed or compiled. See KBA 3268829.
827373 The initial fix for CR 794082 and CR 825773 have been reworked in the current CR. Rolling back a transaction within nested triggers may cause unnecessary recompilations of the parent trigger. Additionally rolling back a transaction within a trigger may cause the calling procedure query plan removal from the Adaptive Server procedure cache. See KBA 3114259.
827426 The message, “ct_send_data(): user api layer: external error: The connection has been marked dead.”, followed by the message, "bcp copy in partially failed", may be reported when BCP is executed by a Kerberos login to import certain data into an SAP ASE table. See KBA 3326409.
827435 The message, "background task message: sp_dbxt_do_resize_dev: Device < device-name > of size < size > resized by < negative-value > to a total size of < size > .", may be reported in SAP ASE error log on Windows platform when DISK RESIZE fails due to insufficient free space on the file system where the device resides. See KBA 3195468.
827440 SAP ASE may not check in ASE_WORKLOADANALYZER license when the execution of "sp_configure 'enable workload analyzer'" gets failed for insufficient kernel resource memory. See KBA 3290532.
827472 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup' and 'ssl_handshake' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during an SSL connection attempt, even if fix in CR 825726 is included. See KBA 3310377.
827482 SAP ASE Workload Analyzer Utility or AMC may fail to analyze a workload with a message like, "There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later, or ask your SA to reconfigure ASE with more procedure cache.", even though the ASE configuration option "procedure cache size" has been set to a big value. See KBA 3290479.
827490 In rare circumstances, the message, "Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception generated by a storage access violation.", together with a stack trace which includes the module 'ra_ci_scanner_thread' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on Windows during Rep Agent startup in an HADR setup with synchronous replication.
827506 A 12313 error, "Insert into page id < page-id > of index id < index-id > of table < table-name > (id = < table-id > ) in database < database-name > tried to replace undeleted RID ( < page-number > , < row-number > ) at slot < slot-number > and ridposn < rid-position-number > . Try dropping and recreating the index.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during a concurrent execution of WRITETEXT and INSERT commands on the same table having in-row-lob columns. See KBA 3282626.
827512 In rare circumstances, a 9859 error, "A DDL command like ALTER/TRUNCATE TABLE is active on partition ' < partition-name > ' of object ' < table-name > ' in database ' < database-name > '. Please retry your query later.", may be reported when a SELECT statement is executed while the partition is being dropped or truncated by another session.
827522 The message "CCLCryptFactory_createKeyPair failed with error" followed by the message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'ex_testhandle' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'attrib_getrow' and 'encr_udcall_rsa_renew' be reported in the SAP ASE error log when RSA keypair generation fails. See KBA 3288597.
827537 The DTD validator has been disabled by default in SAP Adaptive Server. You can enable it by setting the environment variable XERCES_DISABLE_DTD to 0.
827564 SAP Adaptive Server will make use of unique state values for error 9561, "An insert or update to table < table-name > places column < column-name > at offset < offset-value > , ending at offset < offset-value > . The maximum permitted ending offset for this column is < offset-value > . This is a server internal error.", so to help uniquely identify the relevant client of module 'colOffErr' whereby this error is reported.
827593 In rare circumstances, the checkpoint process "CHECKPOINT SLEEP" may hang and block other processes. This will require a manual restart of SAP ASE to clear the issue. See KBA 3291530.
827595 An undetected deadlock may occur when a connection executes ALTER TABLE ... ADD PARTITION command and another connection executes UPDATE STATISTICS command on the same table simultaneously while the SAP ASE configuration options "functionality group" and "enable utility lvl 0 scan wait" are enabled. See KBA 3289715.
827603 When using a very large valDays as a parameter to generate a certification file, SAP Adaptive Server may use an invalid datetime in place of the correct datetime when printing the SSL certificate load success message. See KBA 3290674.
827615 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'proc__deallocmem' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'freeprocs' and 'd_proccache' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC PROC_CACHE('free_unused') is executed. See KBA 3301324.
827643 In rare cases, the ExecutionCount column in monCachedProcedures system table will report 0 even though the procedure has been executed recently. See KBA 3293091.
827653 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'memalloc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rvm__get_command' and 'parserr', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when auditing is enabled and when a CREATE PROCEDURE command which includes USE < database-name > is the first command executed post-logon in the session. Alternatively, a 719 error, "The last prochdr value is not available for the prochdr '0x0'. This is an Adaptive Server internal error ...", may be seen. See KBA 3294210.
827668 SAP Adaptive Server is enhanced to print diagnostics information when the message, "SIGSEGV is caught by VEH_Optimize()", is reported in the SAP ASE error log. The trace flag 16996 when enabled will additionally report in the error log the call stack of the session hitting this SIGSGEV.
827701 When a query execution plan is printed with the option 'set showplan on', SAP ASE may not report the name of a table variable that is used in the SELECT query.
827730 In rare circumstances, a 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page < page-number > in database ' < database-name > '.", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_get_alloc_page' and 'mda__collect_cached_ptninfo' in the SAP ASE error log may be reported when monCachedObject MDA table is queried.
827789 In rare cases, the ReadTime column in monDeviceIO system table will report less read time than the real I/O read time. See KBA 3310221.
827797 When ALTER TABLE is executed by using an invalid object such as a view object, despite a 11307 error, "The object < object-id > in database < database-id > is not a valid parameter for the built-in function logschema(). The object must be a user table or a stored procedure.", followed by a 11309 error, "The built-in function logschema() failed for object < object-id > in database < database-id > . See the other messages printed along with this message for more information.", being reported, this may result in an HADR setup into the SAP ASE Rep Agent schema cache exhaustion causing DLL commands such as ALTER TABLE or DROP TABLE to hang. See KBA 3312643.
827802 In rare circumstances, the message, "RepAgent( < database-id > Failed to change the memory protection for a CI Native thread, ...", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when Rep Agent is started in an HADR setup, while a CI native thread allocates stack from shared memory. This is a warning message since the CI native thread will revert using the default stack.
827809 The message, "Messaging services API call failed. Operation 'um_get_ep_maxmsglen'. Error received from the messaging provider. . .", may be reported when IBM MQ msgsend() is executed after having upgraded to SAP Adaptive version 16.0 SP03 PL13 and SAP Adaptive version 16.0 SP04 PL03. See KBA 3322015.
827823 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'tdslob_handle' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'tdsrecv_dynamic' and 'memalloc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a dynamic SELECT query.
827826 In rare circumstances, a 707 error, "System error detected during attempt to free memory at address 0x0. Please consult the ASE error log for more details.", in the module 'mem__shrink_this_phdr' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'tdsrecv__xoltp_finish' and 'tdsrecv_dynamic' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the cleanup phase of a failed dynamically prepared query execution. KBA 3314961.
827834 The MDA tables monDeadLock, monLocks and monLockTimeout may report negative values in PageNumber column. See KBA 3321508.
827840 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'des__uninstall_or_swap' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'des__recreate' and 's_mustrecompile' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when accessing a partitioned table while another process is running ALTER TABLE ... DROP PARTITION. See KBA 3315867.
827852 SAP Adaptive Server is enhanced to allow the current settings of the optimization goal 'sap_olap' to persist through ASE version upgrades. See KBA 3317118.
827881 The dynamic configuration option "max cached stmt size" was introduced in SAP ASE 16.0 SP04 PL02 and 16.0 SP03 PL12 releases with a default value of 16K bytes. Some performance degradation may be observed when the statement cache is enabled and frequently executed SQL queries with a text size bigger than 16384 bytes are not cached due to this default size value. The default value is now set to 64K bytes. See KBA 3231350.
827929 In rare circumstances, the database timestamp (@@dbts) may jump by a large amount unexpectedly when LOAD TRANSACTION is run and the archive being loaded was taken on a database with SAP ASE replication enabled. See KBA 3326882.
827948 SAP Adaptive Server option 'des_greedyalloc' which is set by DBCC TUNE execution does not result in a reduction in latch sleep during heavy INSERT activity on a large database. See KBA 3326377.



  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


CR, CR List, ASE 16.0 SP03 PL14, ASE SP03, SP03, PL14, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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