SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3268761 - Sharing Invite to Apply URL ([[INVITE_LINK]]) - Recruiting Management


  • Are other Candidates able to apply with the same Apply URL received by a different Candidates?
  • Candidates can open a Job Requisition no longer posted with the Invite to Apply URL.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Candidate A is invite to apply to an unposted Job Requisition;
  2. Candidate A shares the Invite to Apply URL with Candidate B;
  3. Candidate B when opening the URL is able to see the Job Posting, even if the Job Requisition is no longer posted.


The Invite to Apply URL will always allow, whoever accesses it, to see the Job Posting, despite of whether the Job Requisition is posted or not, however, even if the Candidate has access to an unposted Requisition, the Candidate won't be able to apply if s/he's not the one invited by the Recruiter.


The Invite to Apply URL has specific parameters that only allow the Candidate who has actually been invited to apply but it won't prevent from opening the an unposted Job Requisition by other Candidates.

To prevent any misunderstanding, it's recommended to add a disclaimer in the Invite to Apply email asking the Candidate to not share the URL.

Also, it's possible to identify through the URL who was the invited Candidate:{Job Requisition Number}&candId={Candidate ID} &company={Company ID}&st=123ABC123ABC123ABC123ABC123ABC 123ABC 


invite, to, apply, URL, candidate, breach, unposted, posted, not, visible , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions