After an upgrade or conversion to S/4 an additional authority-check for S_TCODE-TCD=SIMG is performed.
The check is happening during a call-transaction and cannot be deactivated in SE97.
as of S/4HANA 1909
as of usage of the SUM tool version 2.0 SP 09 / SP 10
usage of SWPM, SAPinst, SL Toolset
SWPM, SAPInst, SL Toolset, SUM, system copy, conversion, SACF, authority-check, SIMG , SPRO, Systemkopie, S_TCODE, Migration, Secure by Default, BC_CUS_SIMG_VIEW , KBA , BC-CUS-TOL-IMG , Implementation Guide , BC-SEC-AUT-SWF , Switchable Authorization Check Scenarios , Product Enhancement
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