Unable to enter data more than 2000 characters in Quote Table column of type String
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
Reproducing the Issue
1. Login to CPQ
2. Go to Setup > Quotes > Quote Tables
3. Create a Quote Table having column of type String
4. Create a quote
5. In Quote table, click on 'Add row'
6. Enter data more than 2000 characters
7. You will get pop up alert 'Text length exceeds the maximum of 2000 characters'
In quote table, the character limit for cells in string type columns is 2000 characters per cell.
Enter data less than 2000 characters
See Also
Quote Table, character limit, String, Column, 2000 characters, Text length exceeds, maximum characters, character limit , KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , Problem