SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3270881 - Imbalanced document cannot be posted with document types which have balance check : Warning when balance not equal to zero


When we have option 2 (Warning when balance not equal to zero)  balance check on the document type setting, the warning message does not work as intended and the system is not allowed to post the imbalanced document. 

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.





Reproducing the Issue

1. Open SSCUI 104665 Define Document Types-> Choose document type 01;

2. Choose item 2 (Warning when balance not equal to zero) for Balance check checkbox;

3. Open app Import Journal entry-> Import upload file( based on template 01: Manual correction of universal journal (0C))

Error: Entry cannot be posted because of balance of 50.00 USD in cons. unit US06


This field determines the type of balance check to be used when posting to statistical items:

  • Error message when balance not equal to zero
  • Warning message when balance not equal to zero
  • No balance check

When at least one balance sheet or income statement item is posted, the system always displays an error message if the balance does not equal to zero, regardless of the setting of this field. Imbalanced document (on B/S and/or I/S items) can never be posted if you have balance check. 

For consolidation apps, the application logic allows any imbalance for any FS items when posting level 00 is being applied and no imbalance for balance sheet FS items when other posting level than 00 is being applied.

For more information, please check help portal: Document Types and Posting Levels



It's a standard behavior for now.

See Also

Document Types and Posting Levels


Balance check; Import Group Journal Entry; Document type; Posting level; Warning message when balance not equal to zero , KBA , FIN-CS-COR-PL , Posting Logic , FIN-CS-COR , S/4HANA Financial Consolidation, Core Processing , FIN-CS-COR-PL-2CL , Posting Logic (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions