SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3271031 - Performing DDL on an HDI Table Fails


One or more of the following statements apply to your scenario:

  • You want to modify the definition of an HDI managed table.

  • Due to the size of the table data associated with the HDI table, you do not want to incur the downtime and/or deployment time associated with modifying and redeploying the design-time .hdbtable file.
  • Attempting to perform an unsupported DDL statement such as:
    ALTER TABLE <schema_name>.<table_name> DROP PRIMARY KEY;
    results in an "insufficient privilege" error and associated GUID.

  • Running the SYS.GET_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_ERROR_DETAILS procedure, you identify the a missing schema privilege but cannot grant the privilege using an .hdbrole, etc. because you receive a message like "invalid schema privilege."



SAP HANA, platform edition


SAP HANA, platform edition all versions


partition, partitioning, enable_container_schema_privileges_index_trigger_references, TRIGGER, INDEX, hdbtable, hdbdropcreatetable, hdbmigrationtable, migration, redeploy, redeployment, deploy, deployment, HDI, HANA Deployment Infrastructure , KBA , HAN-DB-DI , SAP HANA DI (HDI): diserver, HDI plugins& client libs , Problem

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