There is a schedule which takes into account the bank holiday of the source and destination location (e.g. a store, factory calendar).
You are correctly not able to plan any Freight Unit (FU) departing on the specific non-working day. However if you select the FU and assign it to the schedule departing on a working day, it will create the respective Freight Order (FO) departing on the same day and it can arrive on the destination location when it has a non-working day. The destination location has also a calendar resource so it should not receive any deliveries on the specific non-working day, however it seems the schedule is overwriting it.
- SAP Transportation Management 9.x
- SAP S/4HANA 1709+
holiday, non-working day, schedule, factory calendar, store, destination location, , KBA , TM-PLN-VSR-OPP , Optimizer Preprocessing/Postprocessing , Problem
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