High CPU situation is noticed and you can see multiple JobWorker threads running parallel without doing anything from runtime dumps.
Similar call stacks for those 'Orhpan' JobWorkers:
1: 0x00007fa66dadbf94 in rte::diag_topic::change_level_user(signed char, signed char, int, std::atomic<rte::diag_topic::local_use_tracker>&, std::atomic<rte::diag_topic::local_level_tracker>*) [clone .constprop.0]+0x130 at atomic:254 (
2: 0x00007fa66daf9f05 in rte::diag_topic::context_levels::set_level(rte::diag_topic&, signed char)+0x41 at diag_topic.cpp:136 (
3: 0x00007fa66dafa047 in rte::diag_topic::context_levels::context_levels(rte::diag_topic::context_levels const&)+0x33 at diag_topic.cpp:106 (
4: 0x00007fa66e80a0ef in Diagnose::CountedUserTraceContext::operator=(Diagnose::CountedUserTraceContext const&)+0xfb at DiagTopic.hpp:97 (
- SAP HANA Platform 1.0
- SAP HANA Platform 2.0
a user-specific trace, application_user, database trace, configuration , KBA , HAN-DB-PERF , SAP HANA Database Performance , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , How To
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