While performing DMO with system move MAIN_SHDCRE/EU_IMPORT_ALL phase aborts in target system with error.
EU_IMPORT_****_***.LOG :-
A1EEIMP 008 Task failed with error: (IMP) DbSlExeModify failed in insert for table '******' with #99
A1EEIMP 008 (IMP) SQL error = 303
A1EEIMP 008 (IMP) invalid DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP value: given date value is invalid: type_code=61, index=4
- Software Update Manager (SUM)
- Database Migration Option (DMO with system move)
Software Update Manager, SUM, DMO, Database Migration Option, Upgrade, System move, DMO with system move, SUM version, target DMO, RESET, Task failed with error, EU_IMPORT_ALL, MAIN_SHDCRE/EU_IMPORT_ALL, invalid DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP value, given date value is invalid, invalid DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP value: given date value is invalid, type_code=61, index=4, SQL error = 303, DbSlExeModify failed in insert for table , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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