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3275364 - Issue in $Select URI parameter while making GET call in List Report application


List report template is not fetching all the records in the application. The issue is seen in the object page where the $Select URI parameter of ODATA service is missing few properties when making the call. 

As an example, let us suppose that the application makes the following calls (Request Method: POST) for populating the analytical table:$batch?sap-client=100

and its payload includes the following query:

GET MYSERVICE(Date=datetime'2022-11-11T00%3A00%3A00',PID='ID1')/to_something?sap-client=100&$select=clo1,clo2,clo3&$top=100&$inlinecount=allpages

However it should include additional columns

GET MYSERVICE(Date=datetime'2022-11-11T00%3A00%3A00',PID='ID1')/to_something?sap-client=100&$select=clo1,clo2,clo3,clo4,clo5&$top=100&$inlinecount=allpages

Therefore, the columns associated to clo4 and clo5 are empty in the table.



SAPUI5 1.96.x

sap.ui.table.AnalyticalTable control


Listreport, annotation, criticality , KBA , CA-UI5-TBL , SAP UI5 table, smart table, list and tree controls , Problem

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